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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Padden Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA



51° - 55°
Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
All Day
51° - 55°

Not too crazy of an opener at Padden this weekend. I went in total three times on Saturday, as well as hit toad lake, and also once today. Got to the northwest dock a little after five, and started catching fish a little after that. Within about half an hour, the dock had 15 or so people, so my and my two buddies went over to the shoreline near the tennis courts. Stopped to chat with the game warden, he didn't even check my license. We also had good luck on the other shore, staying until about 9:00. I loved seeing the grandpa next to us teaching his grandson how to fish, it made me happy to be old some day. (although no rush)... Anyways, went back around 1:30 and caught one more in half an hour. Finally went back and met with another friend at 7:00, and got five ish more in an hour and a half. Overall, it is by no means the best opener to date, but the lake is stocked full and the little guys are hungry. Only caught one today, and it was a quite frigid rain/wind combo the entire time too.


4/26/2017 12:04:15 PM
Being a fellow fisherman, it actually angers me when people post their reports on here clearly breaking the law, if you all want good fishing, follow the rules, in your report you clearly write that you went back the same day later in the day and got 5 ish more, meaning way more than 5 I am sure, and you had caught your limit earlier in the day, your words, your allowed (5) five fish per day period, NO EXCEPTIONS....if your breaking the law, please dont post on here. everyone wants good fishing, and for the game dept too stock lots of fish, but then no one wants too follow the rules....
4/26/2017 12:19:11 PM
I didn't know you were restricted from catch and release after your daily limit. Never heard of that being an issue.
4/26/2017 12:22:47 PM
I kept three fish through the entire weekend, the ones I caught on power bait. The others were on kastmasters, panther martins, and woolly buggers. Almost got one on a dry fly too.
4/26/2017 12:31:41 PM
Lastly, no where did I say that I kept the fish that I caught. I almost ALWAYS c&r, but we planned on smoking a few trout using the recipe that someone gave on the forum a while back.
4/26/2017 1:46:43 PM
I do apologize if you truly only kept 3 fish all weekend, your report does not say that, and also indicates you were using bait and spoons, which I have no problem catch and releasing all the fish you want using lures ect...talking too the Warden, more than 30 tickets were issues because people were catching and releasing trout caught on bait and still fishing after they had caught 5, as any trout caught on bait is counted toward your limit, whether KEPT OR NOT....thank you for your clarification, your report makes it sound like you kept the fish, again sorry....I am glad they are after guys fishing with bait, throwing them back, and keep fishing, you can do that if you want, but if you throw back five trout on bait, your then done...Your first comment about reaching your daily limit, and then going too catch and release, I had that same issue, someone told me that was wrong, that once you reach your limit you MUST STOP FISHING, so I called WDFW to ask for clarification, and once you reach your limit of five trout, you indeed must stop fishing, even if you are using fly's, spoons ect, something I did not know, bit it is also in the game laws, once you reach 5 for a day, you must stop....But again I apologize for the limit issue.
4/26/2017 1:51:20 PM
my previous comment is 5 fish kept, in your possession you must stop fishing, you can fish all day with spoons, fly's, lures as long as 5 fish are not kept, just a clarification, once a limit is reached, you must stop fishing, weather you are using flys, spoons or bait.....you are done for the day....that is coming from WDFW...
4/26/2017 8:45:17 PM
That is good to know, I'm glad I didn't keep five and then catch more, I only kept a few. But I didn't think that was a regulation. I might double check that just to confirm. I do appreciate the concern, and thank you for sharing the info. I also try very hard to follow all regulations, and be nice about letting others know when they aren't. Nothing annoys me more than seeing some guy walk to his car with stringer of trout and then go back to the lake to fill it back up again, so I really do understand your initial frustration.
4/27/2017 7:46:17 AM
Well actually on jamison you can do that my unlce has been fishing for years 55 plus and is part of the everrt salmon steelhead clib. You can actually catch your limit in the morning and then a limit in the evening there unless the rules have changed ill ask him when i see him friday.1
4/27/2017 8:41:14 AM
Hey Lobsterbait, I do know for a fact that you cannot catch more than (5) trout per day at any lake in the state of Washington, unless of course you are catching and releasing with spoons, fly's ect...and there are a few lakes where 16 kokes can be kept in addition too the 5 trout limit (Bumping Lake, Rimrock Lake ).YOU ARE ALLOWED TWO (2) limits in your possession when traveling (IE: Camping at a lake and leaving, you may have two limits in your possession, but legally must have been caught on two different days ) That law is clear in the game laws, and also very clear that you may only catch 5 per day....many lakes have different rules such as catch and release, only 2 fish over 14 inches, artificial lures ect, but just looked at jamison and its has statewide rules and regs with a split season.....so the 5 fish per day applies.....same on possession limit....up too 2 limits, but must be caught on separate days......I understand the 2 limits thing would be hard too prove, but the limit is 5 trout per day, very clear, I can remember when it was 12, days are long gone......
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709