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Camano Island surf fishing

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:56 am
by MrFuggles
Hi all. I'm coming over from the east side for labor day week and staying on Camano Island. I'm hoping to get a little fishing in with my seven year old. We're both novices, but he loves it despite not really catching much.

Just wondering what the fishing prospects are from beaches at the Camano state park or juniper beach. If anyone could provide any insight on bait, rigs, location, techniques, etc. I'd be eternally grateful! We'll be fishing with some old saltwater rigs that my dad bought from a sporting goods store ages ago.

Re: Camano Island surf fishing

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 9:07 pm
by Boeing Creek
If primary goal is to catching something and have fun, I would target bottom fish from the beach... you should be able to pull in some sand dabs without much trouble.

Assuming you have rods/poles and are able to cast with them you will need:
-some hi/low rigs. Buy several, when bottom fishing it is not uncommon to snag a lose a rig. I personally like pompano rigs like these: ... B0084EDADI
-Weight: you will want 1-2 oz weights, like this ... B085KSD8DB or this ... B08BPH53NJ
-bait of some kind. You can use raw shrimp, some squid, or my favorite Gulp! sandworms ( ... B001H0G27C), I recommend 2 inchers in red or motor oil color

Basically you tie the sinker to one end of the rig, your line to the other end, put your bait on the hooks and cast it out. Reel in the slack until you can feel the weight and then sit back and wait for bites.

Important to note: to be legal you need to be using barbless hooks. You can start with a barbed hook (like the ones on the pompano rigs I linked above) but must pinch down the barbs with a pair of pliers.

Re: Camano Island surf fishing

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 6:05 pm
by MrFuggles
Thanks so much for the thoughtful response, I really appreciate that you took the time to write that up! It was super useful for us. Hopefully we catch some fish.