Puyallup Show 2006

by Mike Carey, January 30, 2006

This year saw the return of the WashingtonLakes.com booth to "The Show". It has been a few years since I’d last done a show. So it was great to get back behind the booth (sometimes in front of the booth) and press the flesh.

I was joined by George and Amy Penzenik, managers of Mayfield Lake Resort and Marina. Their enthusiasm and energy were incredible. The first three days I had to work my day job. When I arrived at 6pm both George and Amy were still going strong and had the energy to make it through the final two hours. And the weekend was even better. With Amy working the far side of the aisle and George the near side, I had almost nothing to do!

Still smiling on Day 5!

We met a ton of potential new readers for the site, as well as many current ones. I had a blast meeting everyone and sharing fishing stories. There are still a lot of people that have never heard of WL.com, so it was a productive five days. The more people we can get to visit the site and add fishing reports, the more information we will all have to chose from.

The show itself was quite busy. Saturday was just crazy from the opening of the doors into the late afternoon. As always, there was a wealth of displays to peruse and explore. I do feel sorry for the folks outside at the casting pond. Sunday was pretty wet and they sure looked cold! But other than that it was a good natured crowd and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Yours truly ended up buying another rod and reel (like I really need another one). How can you pass up some of the deals at these shows, anyway?

This year a big draw was the live grizzly bears on display. I never saw these bears but I did see the cages. Personally, I’d just as soon they stuck to the giant fish tanks. It just doesn’t seem right to cage up a grizzly bear for public gawking. Just my two cents… . The fishing pond was a hit. We had one 10 year old come up to the booth, pull his bag of trout out from under his shirt and proudly show the fish off. Let’s hope they got that fish home to eat quick.

I’d like to thank Amy and George for their help and friendship at the show. With working a full-time job, there was no way I could afford to take off five days to do the show, much less man the booth myself every day. Amy and George kept the mood light and the fatigue at bay. If you are ever thinking about a trip down to Mayfield lake (and you should), be sure to stop by and say hi and spend a few days at the resort. You won’t regret it!

Also at the show were our sponsors Tiffany's Resort and KoneZone flashers. It was great to see them as well. Our sponsors keep WashingtonLakes.com online and up to date. We need to show our support of them as well. Be sure to mention you heard about them through WashingtonLakes.com. See you at the next Show!

Doug and Lynn Malsam of Tiffany's Resort

Mike Hyneman of KoneZone flashers.


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