"Why don't you have a section for...?"
I often get a question like "Why don't you have a section for pan fish?" The reason is I haven't had a chance to add it, or maybe I never even thought to add it, or maybe I just haven't had the time or energy to add it. I definitely look to the readers for ideas and suggestions. Unfortunately, I'm not always able to add the things people want. I have to allocate the amount of time I have to work on the web site to first keep up to date with submitted reports, and then look to adding new features to the site. And, the features have to have enough interest to be used by the readers. So you may not always get the sections you request, but I will always give them full consideration and try to respond to you with the reason I decided not to add it. Finally, I am always looking for help with this web site. If you have an idea and want to "flesh it out" for me, I would be very grateful. I am always looking for help, especially as the site grows in size and readership.