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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Chelan Lake Report
Chelan County, WA



Had a great day out on the lake. My buddy who fishes with me decided to make a run to Cabelas since I was the only one to catch a laker on Thursday. So I decided to hit it by my-self and my best pal Gus. What a nice change it was. No pressure to perform, with that in mind I made a point to learn some things. I hit the trench Shortly after the sun woke up, and dropped the first line in out from the blue roofs heading west. As soon as I marked a fish at the bottom I GPS'ed it. by then I had # 2 rod in. I then made a slow wide turn and headed back for the same spot. (Kind of like fishing for kokenee) Sure enough there he was at the bottom, and as I passed, "BAM" Fish On!! So I really focused working the diffrent depth levels and found the average depth that I was marking the fish at and then tried to hold that depth as I contoured the trench. Then I came to realize where I had GPS'ed that fish there was a really nice steep ledge there and turned and started fishing up it and then turning and going back down it. Really focused on hammering it from all angals. As the day progressed, the fish seemed to move deeper. Ended up with two more fish. As I was really looking/watching the bottom and learning the ledge of the trench I came across an enormis school of Koks, From 40' deep clear down to 180' deep, solid arches. It was truley a sight to see. I cant wait till the water warms up, I might throw in a kok rod and try next week to see if they hit anything. What the heck, out of all thoughs thousands of fish one little booger should hit. Just to see the size and health of them. Out of the last 3 years I have never seen the koks like this, this early and this low in the basin. We could be in for a bruser of a silver fishery this year with last year being a fizzle. Had a great day and learned a lot, and cant wait to hit again next week. Not a bad way to burn half the day. Hoefully this was a learning curve and not just the fish being egar to bite. We'll see next trip. When you find um, hammer um from all directions. They will bite!
Till Next time, Be safe out there.


2/16/2011 7:46:00 PM
A very nice read. Thanks for the report.
2/16/2011 9:29:00 PM
Thanks for posting. Never fished Chelan but it is comming soon.
2/17/2011 7:33:00 AM
What kind of fish finder do you have? I'm in the market for one and want to know a good one. thx!
2/17/2011 8:46:00 AM
I have an Eagle 300, basically a Lawrance. It's several years old but seems to work great. I just use my hand held GPS to mark things and speed control in the lake since there really isn't any current to worry about. When Im in the river I use the Lurh Jensen speed meter with the rope and red ball over the side. I would look for a depth finder in the mid range of cost if you have a limited budget. You definitely get what you pay for on this kind of stuff, and fishing in the lake and deep waters, it is very much needed to have a higher end unit, makes all the difference in the world. I would look at spending no less then 300 dollars. They are still simple to use and have a good quality picture. If you spend much more than that, they can get over complicated and for like me I like to keep it simple, if you buy a big fancy model with all kinds of bells and whistles and cant figure out how to use it, you just wasted a bunch of money if you don't use all the features. I use all the features on my unit, and can adjust it and fine tune it for features fisheries I fish.
Good luck and stay Safe.

Get after it but don't get discouraged easy, You can look at the guides and wonder how they catch so many, and do everything they tell you and still skunk it up. They guide for a reason! Just like any other kind of fishing, you have got to put your time in. Like I said in my report, I'v been out there for three going on four years now, and I'm still not consistant. I still have zero to one fish days. Keep after it and you just need to put your time in and figure your own nacks out.
2/17/2011 5:38:00 PM
At least you're honest about your reports. The guides up at Chelan rate the day a 5, even if they only catch 5 fish. Great report! Do they taste like walleye, only different?!
2/18/2011 1:11:00 PM
Actually in Chelan they spend a lot of time eating the mysis shrimp, so their meat is nice red/orange and they taste more like salmon than the usual trout... We did start cutting the skin off before we cook it instead of leaving it on like salmon... If you fish in the summer, be sure to take lots of ice so you can bleed them and get them cold fast! Makes a huge difference in the taste.
2/18/2011 1:26:00 PM
Lundeguard- Anything tastes like a Walleye if your looking through the binoculars! LOL
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709