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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bonnie Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Largemouth Bass
All Day

Made the 1st trip of year and st ever kyak trip up the Bonnie. Two of us caught over 20 largies and this was the largest pushing 5lbs. Partner got a 4 and we both got on more 2s. Lots of action. This one pulled me to the shore. Fun stuff.


6/2/2011 7:17:00 PM
NICE< that is one of the better pictures i have seen, i love the picture i am jelious. great report, if you are willing to share some info. on what was working best please send me an e-mail. Thanks and be safe out there.
6/2/2011 9:09:00 PM
Are the DANGER signs still posted around the lake?? How fast can you get off that lake in that kayak if it burps it's poision gas???
bob johansen
6/3/2011 7:01:00 AM
Very nice pot-bellied pole bender. I haven't fished that lake for several years but it used to be a favorite. My best fish was a 3-5 caught on August 16, 1996. She hit a floating Rapala, on the surface at a dock, covered with vegetation, at the far end of the lake.
bob johansen
6/3/2011 7:04:00 AM
Oops - just noticed, different Bonnie Lake -- I was referring to the one in Pierce County.
6/3/2011 8:53:00 AM
hey greenbass i thought we had a better day than a 3 rating! whats it take to get a 5
6/3/2011 9:02:00 AM
that was not bonnie lake that was nigger creek !!!
6/3/2011 12:44:00 PM
Thanks guys. Id have to think that Bonnie would be on fire this weeekend. Theyre eatin crawdads bazzdude.
6/3/2011 3:42:00 PM
gas! whats that about???
6/3/2011 6:36:00 PM
LOL - No gas in Bonnie lake in Spokane County. OK, maybe there is, but only when I am there and I had beans the night before.
6/7/2011 2:05:00 PM
I was just curious...How's the crappie fishing in this lake?
6/7/2011 3:14:00 PM
Crappie yeah . Lots of them if you know where and how to catch them. I dont fish for them on purpose though but have heard lots of them being hauled out of there.
6/8/2011 12:46:00 PM
I will go give it a try this friday. I am not sure on how to get to this lake. I have a 14 ft aluminum boat. Hopefully it is okay to launch and make it through the creek. I love crappies! Thanks Greenbass! Nice catch by the way!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709