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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Ward Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



71° - 75°
Mostly Sunny
71° - 75°

Ward Lake has been on my kokanee lake list for a while and I finally made it there today. Only one other boat all morning. Motored out to 60 feet of water and took temperatures. Low 60s from 20 to 50, 58 at 60 feet, but nothing showing on the meter. Lines wet about 0730 and marked fish from 24 to 30 feet everywhere. Didn't figure them to be kokes - too warm? Dropped a spin-n-glo with a clown dodger on the DR to 24 feet and another spin-n-glo with a pink spatter dodger behind a Pink Lady, also at 24 feet, but it runs farther behind the boat. It didn't take long for hit after hit, and everything that stuck went in the net. All male kokes in the 11" range.

The other boat was landing one and had stopped his motor. Both my rods were in, so we chatted. The senior citizen told me he has fished Ward for many years and no matter what the temp is the koke are always running at 20 to 30 feet. Weird!! Koke supposedly don't like temps above 58, but when has a koke done what it is supposed to do? He also said there are some FAT bows in there and a few BIG BOYS to 27"!! Well, limit by 1000, so I took the cooler to the truck and went back on the water to record GPS and depth data for my own personal lake map. Finished by 1400 and went home.

Nice little lake, only 66 acres, and a 5 mph speed limit! Wow, catching kokanee without jet and water skiers!! It doesn't get much better than that.

There are only four in the picture, because I cleaned one before I realized I forgot to take "proof-of-catching" pics.


8/28/2013 8:10:00 PM
Nice report. they are a changin'. Be green and red next month.
8/28/2013 8:13:00 PM
I fished this lake last year before the sewage break closed the lake and really enjoyed it! Is there still an algae bloom on the surface?
8/28/2013 8:16:00 PM
Nice batch of fish!! Shame they don't make kokes a 10 fish limit state wide!! But that is just my op!!
Lou Smith
8/28/2013 8:18:00 PM
Toni: They all had fully loaded sperm sacs ready to go.
Salmonberry: no algae, just lily pads I would never have guessed it had that problem.
8/28/2013 9:09:00 PM
Thanks Lou and thanks for the report. I have a little 6 foot single person boat that would be great for there so may give it a shot soon!
Rob w
8/29/2013 8:46:00 AM
i have yet to go to ward lake. i know its somewhere in oly. i been doing the pink thing, but plan on an assault later, to smoke and can a bunch of these fine lil fish. havent tried american either. only clear and angle.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709