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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Chapman Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


76° - 80°
Mack's Wedding Ring
71° - 75°

Hiked in on state land and Fished Chapman Lake finally. Big effort to get a boat in, however, fishing was good. Caught a 1.25lb Crappie that set a new personal record just trolling a spinner with a worm attached. Caught tons of little large mouth bass, and one keeper just trolling the North end of the lake and the boat launch. This lake is full of Bass! Graphed a ton of big fish on the East cliffs at 90ft, most likely big rainbows sitting on the bottom. Caught Kokanee, which is why we came, all around the lake. We trolled with spinners and flashers. We were catching them all on the top 15ft. of water, kind of took me by surprise. Also, we literally caught Kokanee all around the lake. They were jumping pretty much all day too. Thick fish all about 8-12 inch Kokanee that tasted nice. Lots of feed in here so these Kokanee are healthy fish. Hope to see them Open a public launch for people to enjoy this beautiful lake. Though I can't blame the people who have cabins there wanting their own private fishing paradise. Talked to one guy who said they pulled a 5lb rainbow out weeks earlier. Love to go back and see about those rainbows.


7/17/2014 12:48:00 PM
How big was your boat? In my younger days I would have portaged a canoe in, but I cannot even think of that now.

Well done!
7/17/2014 10:57:00 PM
Good job. Always enjoyed fishing there....too bad about the no access situation.
7/28/2014 7:26:00 PM
Hi, I was wondering if you would be willing to share your rout of getting into the lake? I tried walking in about a month ago but ended up giving up as I obviously hadn't chosen the rite path (we ended up on top of the hill on the south-east side, right of the private road). On my way out I believe that we found a way to get in, following the creek which looks like it just still on the public side of the land, about 200 yards to the rite of the private road, but after 1.5-2 hours of walking around in search of a path off the hill we were ready to call the day trip quits. I am going to try to hike in again next week and if you had any information you would be willing to share that would be great!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709