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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Devereaux Lake Report
Mason County, WA



Largemouth Bass

Up early and fishing at Devereaux Lake by 6:00 AM. Fished about 4 hours without a single strike. Used Rapalas, jigs. Spinnerbaits and crankbaits. Fishing conditions were perfect - no wind - the lake was like a mirror. Catching on the other hand was hard to come by.
Nobody at the WDFW access as I arrived. Later a couple of fly fishermen arrived. Caught no fish but it was a perfect morning on the water. Had a thermos of coffee and a couple of breakfast muffins with me that I ate after the sun came up. I also enjoyed the flora and fauna. One big bald eagle was there all morning and there were some ducks and geese.
Devereaux Lake should be excellent bass fishing a little later in the season.


5/8/2015 2:32:00 PM
We need to get over there and fish sometime. Wife has been going to the Girl Scout camp there for 30 years now and our 17 yr old daughter has been going since she was old enough too (I cant' remember what age that was LOL)
Surprised they had a dragon boat in the water, thought they would have been out for the season.

Quick and dumb question, can I bring my boat that has a gas motor on it if I don't fire it up?
5/8/2015 5:55:00 PM
Looks like bassy water for sure. Have you had much luck there in the past? Really like your pics Bob :-)
bob johansen
5/8/2015 6:21:00 PM
Sinkerswim - One item on Page 10 and one item on page 11 of the rules and regs indicate that you cannot use your boat with a gas motor even if it is out of the water. Page 10 "Equipped with a Motor" A motor is attached to the floating device, regardless of whether the motor is in the water. Page 11 "Motors Prohibited" Fishing from a floating device equipped with a motor is not allowed.

Bothelbassman - yes I have had many very good bass trips to Devereaux - Nice sized bass too.
Mike Carey
5/8/2015 7:14:00 PM
Nice morning on the water anyway, right Bob?
bob johansen
5/9/2015 8:13:00 AM
Right Mike!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709