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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA



76° - 80°
Top Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
All Day
61° - 65°

Cindy and I was curious about the fishing in the lower end of Rufus Woods Lake, so this Morning we hooked up the boat and headed north. Put in at the Corps launch above Chief Joseph dam around 0900 and motored up to the Pump #1 area. The lake level was down and a slight current was running. We tossed jigs (marabou, hair, plastic) in a variety of colors and weights, spinners, and spoons (crocodile, Kast master, & Thomas among a few others) toward shore and out to about 15-20 feet of water depth. Along a quarter mile stretch we had no follows and didn't see any surface activities. We then motored another 1/- 3/4 miles up stream to an area that had produces in years past. Same results. No action. A short run up a small cove across the river from Pump #3, cast a multitude of selections in there , and was able to get one hit and catch a 12-14 inch RB. After covering the cove , we moved across to Pump #3. Fished the area from shallow to 20 feet of water depth. Cindy got no hits, just a few grass tugs. I was tossing a 1/8 oz Black jig into 4-6 feet of water and working it back to the boat when I felt a snag (grass I thought). The line went tight and started up river then around the boat. Hmmm. No head shakes just start and stop movements. Heavy and solid. Got to remember I was using 4# line on an ultra lite rod so no real backbone here. Fought the fish around for a couple of minutes AND during this time we noticed several carp moving out of the shallows. Just when we decided it was acting "carpish", the line went slack. Broke the line at the hook. Oh well. No more action, so we motored up river several miles to the Cabin hole and drifted with the current down along where the water dropped off from shallow to deeper. We got a couple hits and I was able to hook a couple with the largest around 16". All fish were full finned and from the shape may have been native trout. They were in good shape and full of energy. A Very slow catching day on the lower end, but a great day on the water and now our curiosity is satisfied. Only saw one other fishing boat, and they were working the Can line. Surface water temp 62. Everyone stay safe out there and enjoy the fall weather.


9/30/2015 8:41:00 PM
Well now that answers a question for me... I've had the itch to hit Rufus. Guess I can wait a little while. Glad the 2 of you could make it out. Thanks for the report. Andy
9/30/2015 9:26:00 PM
Thanks for the report Loui. That beautiful trout may be a native Redband. Man are they pretty.

Tight lines - Alan
10/1/2015 10:34:00 AM
So nice to see a report from you!! Have wondered many times how you and Cindy have been. Look forward to more reports in the future. Best wishes to both of you!! :-)
blufin loui
10/1/2015 5:06:00 PM
Hi ya Andy, sometimes the itch has to be scratched, and now that it is we won't feel the need to go back for a while. I may make a trip up to the upper pens area to get in some catching before the year is out, but may be a while yet. Last time I was in the upper end the avg trout was going 2-3 pounds and with the summer to pack in the food they should have gained a pound or so. I usually reply earlier but we came over to the wet side visiting the daughter, and now hooked up with a computer. May have to get modern and try posting from cell phone. LOL
Take care Andy and hope to see ya on the water sometime.
blufin loui
10/1/2015 5:11:00 PM
Howdy Alan, those trout sure were pretty, and talk about getting air, those things acted like they were intimating steelhead. LOL.
blufin loui
10/1/2015 5:16:00 PM
Hey Phil, Cindy and I are struggling along, but doing well enough. Seems like the passage of time has presented us with a few unexpected challenges. We are getting things together and are able to be more active, so hope to be more active on the fishing front and make a report here and there. It has been great to live vicariously through all the reports of the members, but now have the need to be on the receiving end of a few line jerks. Be safe and tell Debbie we enjoy seeing her fish pic when she's out there.
10/2/2015 9:48:00 AM
Fished the upper pens last weak Loui fish ran two to four pounds but lots of them well worth the trip if you can make it
blufin loui
10/2/2015 12:19:00 PM
Thanks ganno, I'm going to get Cindy an early BD present of one of the G Loomis IMX ultra-lite trout/panfish rods. She's been using an Eagle Claw fiberglass featherlite (had 2 of them) for the past 40 years. Ole Arthritis has been making inroads, so I convinced her time to go lighter. A couple of years ago I got her a medium action G Loomis for a light weight walleye and larger fish rod, and she really enjoys using it. It will give us an excuse to make a run to the upper pens. Have a great fall ganno
10/11/2015 8:47:00 AM
Thanks for the report. Myself and a couple friends are headed to Rufus this Saturday from the west side, we're going to do some trolling anyone had any luck? I'll post what we did when we get back. Tight lines to all, Rocky
10/14/2015 12:17:00 PM
I have been wanting to fish this water for a long time. What month of the year gives me the best shot at catching one of those big Trips? Thanks in advance.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709