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Area 4 Neah Bay Report



56° - 60°
Chinook Salmon
Mostly Sunny
All Day
51° - 55°

I went back to Neah Bay Thursday afternoon, and tried to get out to my halibut hole in my 14-footer, without luck. Around Tatoosh the water was just a little too nasty, so plan 2 was to try and pick up some other bottom dwellers. I got a nice cod to round out the day. The sunset was beautiful!

I was able to leave my boat moored at Big Salmon gas dock for the night so I could try and pick up a salmon. Most boats fished right off Wada Island. I only picked up a few scattered salmon on my finder. I used an 8 inch green e-chip flasher and Coho killer with a green squid skirt. I picked up 2 shakers.

No luck on salmon, so I trolled around and headed out toward Tatoosh. I trolled through what I though was a school of salmon, and picked up a Black sea bass (BSB). Odd. Turns out that the huge ball of fish were BSB.

Well, got out to Tatoosh and fished on the north side. There were about 5 or 6 boats fishing very close to the island. I drifted a black label herring soaked in halibut nector and was able to nail a 25" ling. I marked the spot, went back and got another ling about the same spot. Since I didn't want to go over limit on ling cod, so re-hooked the Coho killer and gave another shot at a King.

I noticed a large school of fish in about 140 feet of water, so I trolled about 2.8 mph thru about about 90 feet on my down rigger. POW! It was a very large BSB. I marked it, got resettled and went thru the ball of fish again. POW! and POW! and POW! I picked up my second limit-this time BSB. It took about an hour to get a very nice limit of BSB.

I motored back to Wada island and tried again for Kings. No luck. I talked to a couple of folks that had some Kings, but most guys said the fish were so scattered that it was a hard day for Kings.

Anyway, I'm very happy to get two limits in one day. When the day ended at home, I had about 20 pounds of ling cod and BSB filets last night. A very Blessed day.


5/18/2013 7:07:00 PM
Very cool! I've always wanted to catch one of those cods!
5/18/2013 7:25:00 PM
What a great report Stuffy I love to fish over there I have not been there for a bout six years my fishing bud pass on and the rest of my buddy s don't fish the big water. I remember some great time there you are right you did have a truly blessed day. god bless.
The Quadfather
5/19/2013 7:30:00 AM
Glad to read your report. I was there fishing Sea bass and Lings on Friday, from charter. We had limits of Lings and Sea Bass in about 3 hours. 4 limits.
Interesting to read that you fished from your 14' boat, as I also have a 14 footer. I would NEVER attempt out near Tatoosh Is. but i couldn't help but feel like the waters within a reasonable distance from the marina were VERY safe looking. Of course if it got ugly you are close enough to come right in. Same goes for the bay in Seiku. I just didn't know if it was worthy fishing if U werent way out there.
Also wondered about if U have ever just posted up your 14 footer on the outside of the Jetty, and pitched to Lings at the jetty?
5/19/2013 12:28:00 PM
You might want to check the regulations on the cod for area 4. We boated one and looked very close, it was not specifically legal in any text for Neah Bay. Perhaps it is an oversight or error but if you look it's missing from area 4 and it could result in a fine if you bring one in and keep it. Nice fishing.
5/21/2013 7:49:00 AM
Hi Rayborbon. I know, I try and do everything per the rules. In the Regs, Bottomfish includes Pacific cod, Pacific tomcod, Pacific hake (or whiting), walleye pollock, all species of dabs, sole and flounders (except Pacific halibut), lingcod, ratfish, sablefish, cabezon, greenling, buffalo sculpin, great sculpin, red Irish lord, brown Irish lord, Pacific staghorn sculpin, wolfeel, giant wrymouth, plainfin midshipman, all species of shark, skate, rockfish, rattail, and surf perches excluding shiner perch. For Area 4 You're allowed 12 bottomfish, only two can be ling cod. On days not open to Halibut, you must fish no deeper than the 20 fathoms. I was right at that edge on Friday (not open for halibut) out at Tatoosh. Thanks for your post - it's always good to have a sanity check. Regards...
5/21/2013 7:50:00 AM
natetreat-I'm not sure what they taste like, but will let ya know.
5/21/2013 7:55:00 AM
The Quadfather - About my boat. Its a Livingston and unsinkable. I have an Auto inflate PFD. I watch the weather very, very closely and try and stay within a 5-10 minute run to shore. I wouldn't take a passenger and I go with minimum gear to watch my weight in the boat. I have great respect for water, but sometimes gently push the envelop. God Bless.
5/21/2013 11:44:00 AM
Actually Pacific Cod is not bottom fish for area 4. It is inside Puget Sound though. Take a close look.
5/21/2013 12:04:00 PM
Ok, I stand corrected and I am glad I commented on this. Pacific Cod is in fact OK for area 4 Neah Bay. Although Pacific Cod is not listed explicitly for Area 4 like it is in the Puget Sound, the definition of BottomFish includes Pacific Cod.

Defintion of BottomFish from booklet

Bottomfish Includes Pacific cod, Pacific
tomcod, Pacific hake (or whiting), walleye
pollock, all species of dabs, sole and flounders
(except Pacific halibut), lingcod, ratfish,
sablefish, cabezon, greenling, buffalo sculpin,
great sculpin, red Irish lord, brown Irish
lord, Pacific staghorn sculpin, wolfeel, giant
wrymouth, plainfin midshipman, all species of
shark, skate, rockfish, rattail, and surf perches
excluding shiner perch.

Area 4 General BottomFish from booklet

BOTTOMFISH Year-round season. Daily limit is a total of 15 BOTTOMFISH (see definition page 10) regardless of species,
subject to individual limits and seasons shown below. See Freshwater Bay Closure below. Fishing for
BOTTOMFISH prohibited in waters deeper than 120 feet.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709