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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 8-2 Ports Susan and Gardner Report


76° - 80°
Coho Salmon
Bait Only

We headed down to Mukilteo after work (when will I learn). Only took ten minutes to prep and launch the boat and that is when the problem began. No Parking, the farmers market was in full swing and just about every trailer parking spot only was taken up by some yahoo with no trailer. A single police officer shows up and starts ticketing the cars with no trailers, he said he only had one book on him so not sure how many he wrote, but he was slow. Pretty close to 10 minutes to write one ticket.
After almost 40 minutes I was finally able to park, and then it was off fishing.

I have enough pinks in the freezer so we were targeting coho. The weather could not have been better, the water was dead calm. Not that many boats out and I only saw three pinks jump during the 3 hours we fished.
My buddy missed one good bite, and I hooked up with a small shaker and that was all she wrote. Apart from the parking it was still a very pleasant evening out.

We were trolling cut plug from Mukilteo to the shipwreck and back.

I noticed in the parking lot many cars still parking in the trailer slots and the cop was gone, either ran out of tickets or gave up as I saw several cars that were there when we launched.


9/12/2013 8:07:00 AM
My friend an I made that Wednesday mistake a couple times last year. The police officers on site were oh so helpful. We commented that a number of those spots are boat n trailer only, and one lady who claimed one of the spots when I mentioned that it was boat n trailer only and she didn't have the trailer said sooo. Anyways officer bored out of gord said what am I suppose to do? I thought (and thank god the guy that keeps me from making stupid comments interfered) said "Your a cop how about enforcing the regulations/laws?"

Anyways we walked away and he did nothing until we left when he sited us for a burned out tail light on the trailer......
9/13/2013 5:10:00 PM
I always launch at Everett, longer run but I've never liked the Mulk launch. We did great on Monday, 2 rods, 4 silvers and 4 Pinks, Shipwreck. Out by myself on Wednesday, kind of slow, fished from 7AM to 2:30, 2 Pinks and 1 silver. I got the Silver about 1/2 mile north of the Wreck in pretty close. Need another shot of rain I think. Had stuff to do yesterday and today or I would have been out.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709