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Area 9 Admiralty Inlet Report


Coho Salmon

3 day report, Friday, launched of Edmonds @ 1800, trolled mid-channel then headed N past ferry to check on pots. Saw some bait but nary a thing except shakers, 1 pot had 4 keepers, other pot looked poached, bait there, nary a crab, headed home to watch the Seahawk game. Saturday on water by 0545, trolled mid-channel again towards N of ferry terminal, 1 pot over 23 crabs, only 3 keepers, other pot had small & females, trolled thru Spanish house a couple times then headed headed out toward Possession & Skagit Head, NOTHING!! Everyone out there was shaking their head, waiting for the day, called it quits @ 1300,... Sunday out again @ 0545, mid-channel and N of ferry terminal to check our pots,...just 2 crabs & 1 rock crab, rebaited & moved pots all 3 days, trolled thru Spanish house again, called it a day at 0930, coming back @ 1900. Went out and had hope, ! pot 3 keepers out of maybe 15 crabs, other pot, looking poached again, nothing but 2 rock crabs, pots are in 70'-85' feet of water, our last one was in 135', went back right after moving pot. Frustrating pulling your pots and having nothing to show,..bait is always there,...


8/26/2014 11:28:00 AM
Thanks! Sure has been slim. A report on Sekiu sez no Silvers there either. Sill early.
8/26/2014 4:17:00 PM
Same story all over, fish checker at Seacrest said 30 boats, 3 fish, saw a posting on my friend's Facebook page from someone saying they got their limits on Saturday in front of the "Spanish House", I don't think so,..my brother and I were there at the time he said he caught them, by 1000, I called him out on it,...no response yet!! Hopefully this weekend will bring in rain,...
8/27/2014 9:49:00 AM
NE1... Thanks for hanging in there! I attended a Coho fishing seminar last week. Instructor (seemed to know what he was talking about... fishes from Columbia River to Neah Bay) said that due to warm waters, the resident Coho have moved north toward the Strait and the San Juans. Said that the Japanese Current has swung far north and within 10 miles of Neah Bay, charters have caught tuna 10 miles out. Coho are stacked up 50 to 60 miles out in the ocean and will not cross the "blue waters". Need rain and north wind to scour out that warm water. Said we had the same scenario in 2008, Coho refused to come in until late September, then were "lock-jawed" in the Sound and went straight into the rivers, Great river fishing that Fall. I have normally made a couple of trips to west side of Whidbey Island by now, but calls over there have said, "no fish!" Pray for rain! PTL!
8/27/2014 11:57:00 AM
Thanks Stan, definitely praying for a down pour!! Will just go crabbing, need to move pots tho, seems like someone's been helping themselves lately,...and always great to read your reports!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709