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Lewis River Report
Cowlitz County, WA


Float Fishing

Met up with friends down on the Lewis at 5:30 am, we were the first group of people to arrive. Started off with fishing with spinner - new glow blue fox spinner ($5) - about the 3rd cast, YES caught a ROCKFISH - SNAPPED my line, there goes my big mac meal. Then started glowballing, not much there. As soon as daylight broke, I begin my set up for float and jig, Yes I had the biggest float you have ever seen with some heavy weight, probably about an ounce. Had no luck at Jen's honey hole. Postal and fishingsince2 were at the lower part drifting float and jig, and not much happening. Did see someone further down catch one using sandshrimp. I joined with postal and fishingsince2, and as soon as I get there one of the reg local has fish on. The regular locals hooks up another 2 and postal also hooks up one. And that is the report. A big fat NADA for me, Jens and I'm not sure if fishingsince2 got any. Most were using nightmare jig and about 2-3' line. Water was in excellent condition. I think Postal took about 5 pictures with his catch, not sure if he wasn't happy with the angle or the fish wasn't smiling right. I don't think I ever seen a bigger grin on Postal's face before. Very nice fish Postal. Gave up around 1:30pm, and a long drive back home and I can hear that whisper again. Definitely recommend using float line, mono was just horrible and a bigger rod 9'6" or bigger.


2/1/2010 4:43:00 PM
LOL- 5 pics? more than that. I wouldn't call what you were using a float. I didn't know you could rig a Core Ab Workout ball for jig fishing , but somehow you managed...At first I thought one of the buoys on the cork line got untied or something..
2/1/2010 7:40:00 PM
I can imagine a bouncy ball thing. I cant remember what they are called. they look like a bouy though. The cow best be hittin cause if it dont I will not be going there no more this week.
2/1/2010 8:37:00 PM
Wow kinghunter... I could see that float from my house! Hey bro, sorry to hear you didn't hook up anything but don't feel bad, you're not alone!! Long drive huh?? Next time you head down there let me know and I'll see if I can make that drive a little more entertaining. Might have to hit the cow soon too. Good luck out there bro!
2/1/2010 10:32:00 PM
Hey Buddy; this is the bigger guy that caught a couple fish by you that day. I know who you are because you were the only guy there using a really big float. I hate to tell people this kind of stuff but right after you left everyone caught fish. The afternoon bite was crazy. Even if you would have stayed you probably wouldn’t have caught one with that big bobber you had. Also it didn’t look like you were using braided line for you leaders? It is really hard to floss a fish using a jig without the braided line. Since the braided line floats it creates a letter C under water and that is how you floss the fish. I don’t want to sound like a know it all so the only other tip I’ll give you is to soak your jig in a jar of pickle juice the night before. Well good luck to you little buddy, you’ll get one next time.
2/2/2010 4:47:00 AM
you dont floss steel head and you definately dont floss a jig. I hear ya on the pickel juice. It will mask your odor from the jig. Steelies will bite if they want it.
2/2/2010 10:08:00 AM
What? Pickle juice? Flossing Steelhead? Come on KDP. I noticed you just joined the site, post up some of your experiences and especially something to do with pickle juice. I know we are new Steelheaders, but kinghunter wasn't born yesterday.
2/2/2010 1:07:00 PM
I don't have to post pictures to prove anything to you or your buddy! I caught my limit that day and I didn't see any of this guys friends or him even get a bite. I've been using pickle juice for around twenty years now and it always has worked and only the real old timers know about that. I was only trying to help the guy out, I usually wouldn't ever tell anyone my secret about the pickle juice but your friend needs help. I don't get why none of his so called friends would give the poor guy a bobber that wasn't so big and help him out. Next time I see you guys there it's on like Donkey Kong.
2/2/2010 1:09:00 PM
Pickle juice and flossin with jigs? What color was that spinner, did it look good glowin in the water, and did you swap out the treble? Bobber size shouldn't matter, if any thing, you would be able to cast father than any one else and have an advantage.
2/2/2010 2:04:00 PM
Hey KDP,
I appreciate you helping out, god knows I need all the help I can get. At first I thought the pickle juice was bizarre, but hey I don't have anything to lose. You seem to know what you were doing out there so I will take in any advice you are willing to share. I have to admit it was my second time really learning how to float fish and you can tell I was definitely a rookie out there, oh by the way can you tell your friend I apologize for putting my rod on his bag and rod, I thought it was my friend fishingsince2's stuff, sorry about that. I did go buy some braided lines and went on youtube to learn how to spool the line and learn what knot to use for braid, it was helpful. Also my friend did offer me his small beau-mac float and tried to use that but was having problem keeping the float straight up so that's why I went back to the bigger heavier float, I think you are right about the mono lines, it was horrible trying to float fish with it. Next time I'm out there I will definitely say hi to you and hopefully I will have the proper gears. I have to admit you did catch some really nice looking fish, yes deep inside I was jealous but hey your the local there. Thanks for sharing some of your tips. Hope to see you there again and you don't need good luck, but keep up the tigh lines man.
2/2/2010 2:12:00 PM
Hey Procaster,

The glow spinner by blue fox only had a red single hook attached to it. It did glow but not as bright, I think I needed to add some light to it. I think my big bobber with such a heavy weight might of scared some fish, it really made some big splash. I know some of my friends were complaining about it and maybe they were right, but I really wanted to show them I could catch one with the huge bobber but it wasn't meant to be. I have to say the locals were the ones really catching them so they know there stuff. I just need to be better prepared with the right gears. I fished with spoons, spinners, corky/yarn and float/jig and not one bite. It was frustrating and I'm learning also.
2/2/2010 5:13:00 PM
I was lookin at those glow spinners at sportco last week. Since I fish at night two times a week maybe a glow spinner would work. At Blue Creek on the Cow about, 30 jet boats a minute run over those fish and they still bite, so a big bobber shouldn't scare the fish. Have confidence with that big bobber and keep throwin it!
2/2/2010 6:34:00 PM
yeah bobber size doesn't matter a whole lot i try to go smaller but what ever works. also i don't think the splash bothers them to much since i saw a plunker with like 6oz. of led cast out and make a huge splash and before he had his pole in the holder half a second later literally he had one on. jens king all the guys that made the trip i will meet you guys out there next time for sure
2/3/2010 5:53:00 PM
Hey Buddy, You're welcome for the help. That is probably the last time I will ever try though because people on this site get really worked up over stuff. I'll be back there on Sunday and if you're there I'll show you some more stuff and try to help you catch one. My buddy that lives down the street might take his sled out and head up above the hatchery to a money spot. If he does take it out I'll see if there is a seat for you if you want? Someone once had to help me out and take me under there wing and I sometimes feel like I need to do the same. We all were rookies at one time.
2/5/2010 9:51:00 PM
lolll at this, stop trolling donkeypuncher
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709