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Blue Creek Report
Lewis County, WA


Drift Fishing
Corky & Yarn
All Day

Got to blue creek around 5am not surprised the parking lot was full threw a couple glow balls and some glow yarn and started tossin it. Third cast bam fish on. Short lived though. 15 minuets later fish on again sweet its gonna be a good day! Any lost 8 hookups before including one that almost spooled me before I thumbed the reel and snapped it off maybe springer, or big native. Not sure never got the pleasure of seeing it. All in all went 2 for 14 another weekend another limit awesome day on the river.
Also Mike what's Yuri email so I can send photos I can't upload since I post from my phone thanx. Gift lines every one!!!!


4/12/2010 12:14:00 PM
How do you go 2 for 14? I would'nt be brave enough to admit it if I lost 12 out of 14 fish. What kind of gesr are you using?
4/12/2010 4:34:00 PM
I've seen the best of em go 0 for 14 where I fish so I have no. Issues admitting. It. The current is pretty heavy so its a Not mote difficult.
4/12/2010 4:36:00 PM
Its. More difficult. To land them is what it should say
4/12/2010 6:12:00 PM
I have lost more than landed due to them jumping and thrashing all over. One fish I had one went straight upstream and jumped out of the water and spit the hook right at me in front of all the other anglers there, its hard to control these guys.
4/12/2010 8:57:00 PM
That's for sure
4/13/2010 8:13:00 AM
Kinghunter, I am amazed you lose any fish. I know you have 30lb braid spooled on your baitcaster and use 15lb leaders and 2/0 hooks. You might have hooked into monster Springer or a river Manatee. You shouldn't be losing any fish with your set up buddy.
4/13/2010 9:43:00 AM
Damn Jens, what does that have to do with the fish spitting the hook out. For the record I was using a 12# leader and 1/0 hook. Are you trying to make a point? I didn't say anything about snapping my line. I would say more but I need to control my tongue.
4/13/2010 11:01:00 AM
What the? Kinghunter, don't be so sensitive. We are all on here trying to learn techniques and share experiences. I just want to know how you personally will lose a fish with your set up meant for catching Halibut or Sharks. Help us out KH. I remember when I lost a bunch of Chums at the Puyallup, I went out and bought a hook sharpener. That helped out tremendously. You still owe me a round of golf.
4/13/2010 11:19:00 AM
That would be cool if I caught a halibut or shark, but no Kitty fund bud!!!!!!!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709