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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Report
King County, WA


Rainbow Trout

I've been lurking on here for awhile, but this is my first report!
Went out to the Middle Fork for some camping and I thought I'd try casting some stuff at the trout.
My previous experience is primarily with trolling lakes, Ross Lake in particular, where selective gear rules are employed, so all my gear is already compliant (single hooks, no barbs, no bait).
I scouted around the areas near my camp and practiced casting with my spinning reel before I put my good lures on...decided I'd try a few close deeper holes...nothing was over 4 feet deep. First cast, and FISH ON!!! I was shocked. 8 inch healthy rainbow, easy release and strong swim away! That got me pumped to explore for more holes, so I started casting at every shady deep spot I could find and the action was hot! 6 Rainbows and what I think was a 7" baby steelhead or small brook trout (silver with black spots, but no red stripes). Had many hits, several on the line, and gained a bunch of confidence. Learned a ton about fish behavior too.
The winner combo for me was a Joe's spinner fly with no weight - brown and white colered.
All the fish were 7-9" dinks, but there were many factors at play. The area I was fishing is an area I've camped at for years, and the geography has stayed fairly predictable, until this year... All the old holes I was hoping to target are gone, the river has changed bigtime this spring.

I would've made this an even higher rated report, except the string algae is everywhere and gacks up your lure every few casts, so you continually have to pick it off...and then there are some slow moving biting flies up there that will not leave you alone...I was using 100% deet and they still loved me - my clothes are coverd with bug juice, as I probably killed 50+ of those buggers.


7/26/2010 12:23:00 AM
Brook trout above the falls for sure.
7/26/2010 8:15:00 AM
Thanks dogfish7...I thought the Middle Fork was below the falls. I need to study more fish pics. I figure it didn't matter too much as I was releasing everything...good to know what I'm finding though.
I should probably mention that my buddy would give this a 1. He got skunked...even when I gave him my gear. He gets skunked often though.
7/26/2010 6:38:00 PM
Where were u camping? Thanks for the report
7/28/2010 7:56:00 AM
Sorry, I can't divulge the spot. I have had experiences with idiots and litter to the point I considered never going back. The friends of Middle Fork, or whatever they're called have really done a nice job to bring the area back and cleaning it up. Unfortunately, the area's proximity to the cities makes it an easy destination for jerks and litterbugs as well as respectful people.
The good news is they've opened a couple campgrounds up there past the main trail head! I met the host and he knows where the secret spots are...he'll share the info if you chat him up. If you go Friday night, you're too late.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709