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Dragoon Creek Report
Spokane County, WA



Brook Trout

This is a report over 2 days. On sunday I went to try and catch some brookies. In the first spot I hooked a brown that was about 18 inches long, it unhooked itself after I tried to drag it through the tall grass on the bank 20 feet away. Next hole I got a 12 inch brook trout. I caught 2 more brookies about the same size in the next hole. Then I got a 15 inch brown over the bank and headed home. Yesterday I went to the same spot and the fish weren't holding in the same holes. I went further up to a new hole that I hadn't tried and I hooked a HUGE brown! I watched it swim from downstream of me and slowly bite this spinner I was casting and the fish looked bigger than 24 inches long and close to 6 lbs!! I tried to pull him up the bank and I could hear my 6lb test pulling really hard so I could only get him half way up and I had to reach over a tree to grab him, I couldn't get both my hands around his belly. I would guess the fish was somewhere between 24-25 inches long and 5.5 lbs released to spawn


9/13/2011 4:53:00 PM
isnt the limit on streams 2 fish?
9/13/2011 6:54:00 PM
let's see, a 2 day report... there's 4 fish there, so... 2+2=4. yep. he's all good. Thanks for the opportunity for another math lesson.

That sounds like a hell of a fish. sorry he got unbuttoned.
Good report.
9/14/2011 8:53:00 AM
brook trout aren't counted in a limit, you can keep 25 if you really wanted to
9/15/2011 7:12:00 PM
where do you get access to the creek. I would love to try it.
Jay K
11/7/2011 5:23:00 PM
Dragoon Creek is a tributary of the Little Spokane and my understanding would be that statewide limits would apply; For a river, stream or beaver pond the total would be 5 EBT, but not more than 5 trout total, and no more than 2 other trout species. GritStomper is within regs, and there are certain places where the limit for EBT is 25, but I wonder if Dragoon Creek is one of them. Anybody know for sure? Also, at least since 2008, Dragoon Creek's been on the Water Quality Assessment as an impaired waters for dissolved oxygen and fecal coliform bacteria; Hopefully the water's cleaner now, and with the presence of thriving trout the waters must be somewhat better.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709