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No Name Creek Report
Mason County, WA



Coho Salmon

My first trip of the year to mason county to do a little coho chasing.

Got to the river at 9am and there were 7 cars parked, kind of a lot for a thursday but not that bad. Hiked up to my favorite spot which is completely different than last year. I am sure that someone (maybe wdfw) came in and planted a ton of logs! But never the less it had 30 or 40 nice silvers just hangin out so I quickly nailed 2 hens in about an hour. Just free drifting a very small weight with 3 foot leader and a tiny corkie. I landed the first one easy it was smaller about 5lbs, the next 2 ran straight into the logs and broke off, the 4th I was lucky to get in at maybe 7lbs. I planned on being here all day and I'm done before 11 oclock? never seen this before.

I hung around for a couple hours and watched others pull em out right and left. Everyone was being pretty humane letting go foul hooked fish. One guy got a monster maybe 15 - 17 lbs! In the years past I've usually fished alone up this great little river but by the time I walked back down I passed about 15 people and counted 21 cars in the lot, guess the secrets out. But thats ok, there are plenty of silvers to go around.

On a side note I worked the Olympus rally last Saturday, thanks to all who volunteered, it was a great time!


10/5/2012 6:06:00 AM
Gotta be Tahuya or Dewatto
10/5/2012 12:10:00 PM
Yeah wdfw and hcseg worked together to put in logs to make better salmon water. more eddys and holes makes cooler water temps and hiding spots for juveniles.
10/5/2012 4:03:00 PM
OP guys seem to have the best rivers at the moment. Come on Rain. At this rate I might have to go for a long drive. Local rivers just are not producing fish like they should be.
Red beard
10/5/2012 6:44:00 PM
This used to be 1 of 3 different rivers I never speak of, but I guess now I have only 2.
8/18/2018 3:04:02 AM
Any chance that 6 years later your willing to let me know the secret creek? There's no coho retention where Im from and looking to get some tight liens opn some chromes this year.

Either way thanks for all the reports you put in bro. Im going to be checking out the Quilcene river late next week
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709