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Skykomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


61° - 65°
Float Fishing
Fish Eggs

Wow, what a day at Reiter.

Got in line bright and early this morning, only to wach some guy run like the devil was on his heels as soon as he parked. Never saw him catch anything, for his efforts.

Also had a jerk next to me (upstream) casting a spoon in amongst everyones' bobbers, dragging it across my feet (multiple times), and then having the guts to tell me to move back because I was in his drift. And he was farther out than me, too. It gets better. I mention the courtesy of fishing WITH the other people around, instead of against them (didn't say anything about his rudeness) to which he replied "well I don't really care, I'm going to do whatever the **** I want."

Mr. Jerk then proceeds to step around the rock (to the downstream side of the hatchery intake) and is now less than 5 feet to my left, with his pole pointing downstream, drifting, wiith his pole 3 feet in front of my face. Tangling up with everyone. At one point he had crossed the lines of myself and the next guy down from me, and as the lines came in right at my feet, I could see he was also caught on some line that was snagged in the water. I grabbed the lines to start untangling everything, as I was in the middle and it was right in my face. Mr. Jerk Control Freak gets PO'd, and yells at me. "just give it to me so I can get my line free".

Ok, at that point I lost it. Raising my voice I told him I was trying to, and that he had crossed everyone elses lines and made a big a** mess because he was being a rude POS. Guy next to me was being pretty calm about it, but I could see he was getting torqed too, because it had happened several times (and this guy was blaming us for him casting over our lines).

Got my downstream neighbors jig unhooked from the mess, and in the process of untangling mine I made a couple quick twist knots in Mr. Jerk Control Freaks already tangled up mess, and let it go. Told him, "there you are, all set!"

Fished with a smile on my face for the next half hour, as he had to cut his gear to fix it. He then retied and moved upstream, mumbling about "can't ****ing stand rude people". Which made me smile even more.

He then proceeded to pull the same crap up there, and chased a few others off, before someone else menioned him being a rude POS, and then he finally left. Or moved up or downstream. Not really sure, and dont really care. He was gone and it was back to a pleasant, but unproductive morning of wetting a line.

Not a single bite for me, and between 6-11 a.m. I saw 2 fish caught, heard of 4 others caught, and watched one guy get run from above the hatchery intake to the rapids down below, before it finally broke off. That fish was angry!

Giving this a 2, even with Mr. Jerk and no fish to bring home, because it was such an awesome morning to be on the river. I could see them all over from time to time, even saw them chasing jigs being retrieved a couple times, but they just weren't hungry, I guess. Moon was pretty close to full, and very bright on the drive from Graham, so that might have had something to do with it. Tried jigs, with and without prawns, some Rays eggs I was given, to no avail.

That's my story. And I'm sticking to it!


6/22/2013 5:52:00 PM
Typical,everybody else on the river is incompetent but that guy,I give you credit for not letting him get to you.Don't be that jerk.Knowing my temperament, that type of behavior would not have gone on long with me,but a negative plus a negative usually does not come out to a positive outcome,I picture the scenario in my mind that after repeated entanglement I would politely ask to cut his drift from hooking into me..., F#@!K THAT...,I need to say the AA serenity prayer more lol.
6/22/2013 9:24:00 PM
I was there this morning ( 6th car ) in line .... first when everybody was getting ready to go, I had to stop to pick up tackle bag the dropped off the back of there truck.... walked down, ( I'm 40 so no running here ) and found a spot about 100yrs above rapids... No fish, and no hook ups but everyone around me was friendly and knew how to fish in combat areas.....
6/22/2013 10:08:00 PM
Way to stick it out. I am pretty passive and wouldve moved, wishing though, that I would have had the guts to say something. And that is pretty neat to be able to see the fish. You know they are in there, gives you hope on every cast.
6/22/2013 10:15:00 PM
Yeah it was interesting, to say the least. I'm 45, and my temperament has mellowed. A lot. 10 years ago I would have made sure no one else was around, and the moment he got back on his rock he would have gotten a swimming lesson. 20 years ago I wouldn't have cared WHO was watching, he would have gotten wet, face first.

Now I just dont have time for the crap, I am trying to enjoy life, not let others drag me down into their misery and bitterness. And he seemed to have a lot of both.

Chongo, for the most part thats what I've witnessed every time I've gone fishing the rivers over the course of the last year (only been fishing rivers since last August) with a few, very minor exceptions. Usually it's just a bit of people being miffed at being inconvenienced for some reason or another but it's never been much of an issue, and quickly let go. This guy was off-the-chart rude, sticking his fishing pole in my face, making me and the guy downstream have to raise our arms up just to be able to cast while he drifted in all the way to the bank, leaving it there for far longer than it needed to be. He was snagging lines with people 3 and 4 spots down from me.

That said, I am happy in the knowledge that sooner or later karma is going to catch up with him, on or off the river. And I know I've got some coming too, for tying knots in his gear, but, it was a small gesture for what he REALLY needed. A lesson in mutual respect.
6/22/2013 10:26:00 PM
yeah shu, but I learned a long time ago, that if you let people push you around, it only emboldens them to do it more, and to oher people. Took me a lot of years to learn how to be less aggressive in how I deal with it, and I am still learning, but sometimes the occasion calls for something to be said to put people back into perspective. As with this particular idgit, it doesn't always work, but it does make them move on, which is fine by me!

And yes, seeing the fish in there was cool, but also frustrating as heck. You know they are there, and it gives you hope, but it's like they are sneering at you and uttering "You're not worthy!" lol
Bank drifter
6/23/2013 7:21:00 AM
Wow, that is Saturday AM at Reiter, I give you a lot of credit for handling it so well. There is a lot of fish able river down stream all the way to Sultan and you can fish all alone in areas with no one around-and not catch anything too! Or ya never know! Half the fun is meeting others that are good folks though so I can understand holding your ground. There are so many guys out there even during the week now that when the water is clear hook ups are at a minimum-I know where I am NOT going today...good luck and thanks for sharing the report
6/25/2013 9:57:00 AM
It is frustrating to deal with rude entitled people like that. So far I haven't had to deal with any for too long. If you don't mind, I looked for the intake a few weeks back and am not sure where it is. Obviously you can see the pipe until it goes underground, but how much farther up river does it go? Tight lines to you.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709