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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Samish River Report
Skagit County, WA


46° - 50°
Float Fishing
Chinook Salmon
Fish Eggs
Hook & Bait
46° - 50°

Went down to the samish for some good kings, as they put up a great fight are are some of the larger fish that roll through this time of year. Went float fishing eggs, at about 4 foot depth. My cousin and I waded through the river, getting in it under a public bridge (public access point), then waded upstream from Thomas road. After we each caught a good 20# king, we were approached by two guys who were up on the dike, on the north end of the river. They stopped at the excellent hole my cousin and I had found, with their own fishing gear.

These guys said that the landowners owned the land out and into the actual river bed, claiming that we were therefore trespassing even though I was pretty sure that this was public water, and that landowners cannot own the riverbed, beneath the original high tide mark. Thinking I was not educated enough about the law and after my cousin begged us to leave, we left. Now I am also not the type of person to make noise and leave garbage behind, I have always despised people who ruin the serenity and peace of fishing in beautiful land.

Now This is more of a questioning post rather that it is an actual report. So Two major things. One being, if we were trespassing while wading through the river, then weren't they trespassing by walking along the dike? And what is the actual law about Private ownership of the river bed beneath navigable waters? (Washington state DNR said that the river is navigable up to 320 feet from the railroad tracks, quite a ways up river).

My belief is that these two guys did not want us to be fishing "their fishing hole" that it was "their" private land.

Please respond in the comments about these few questions, anything would be extremely lightening.


12/27/2015 8:45:00 PM
You are right about the tidal water mark, if you access the river from public land you are not in violation. Also the dike is owned be the dike district and they have an easement to maintain the dikes. The access to the dikes sometime are privately owned and they can say you may not use their property, they can also charge you to access it to and there is nothing the state of anyone can do. The state has started to put public access to the dikes on the Samish. As long as you stay in the water you will be fine when. I never pay to fish on that river and the law is clearly written so when they call call the sheriff once they show up they are bounded buy what's written.
12/28/2015 12:11:00 AM
Awesome, I appreciate the help. I will never pay to fish on what is public land. It is highly immoral. I appreciate the response as it helps tons to clarify uncertain and definitely contradictory statements.

Tight lines!
12/28/2015 9:47:00 AM
You should carry a gun on that river. Although snatching lips is 100% correct, some of the people who live in that area are total whack jobs who think they own the water, the fish and air near their properties. Ive heard many tales of home owners pulling guns on unsuspecting victims ahem I mean fisherman and telling them to get off "their land" (while they were standing in the river) good luck.
12/28/2015 2:51:00 PM
Wow, I never thought that some of these people would be so self centered and arrogant that they would risk another persons life, just to keep "their" land private. Somewhere along that river, someone did threaten to let their dogs out and my dad and I long long ago. Carrying a gun would not be a bad idea in the means of self defense. Thanks for the warning and stay safe out there
12/29/2015 1:00:00 PM
Two suggestions when it comes to knowing who owns what land. First, look on the County's Assessor's office web site and do a map search. The other is getting a GPS unit with the Washington state map. My choice is the latter so when the cops do show up you have proof as to where you have been.
12/29/2015 2:46:00 PM
Why are you reporting on somthing 2 1/2 months old?
12/29/2015 10:05:00 PM
I just made my account and, figured I had better get my questions answered now, while I still remember them. I figured, what better place to get this sorted out than with the general public. That is why i decided to post, and report about this. I do see it really a long while ago, but it would be easiest this way.

And I do appreciate the Ideas NWBoater, because A GPS would be an excellent way to go about this. I did also check the county assessor and they were very confusing to say the least. They told me they could not identify exactly who owned the land in the river, which to me I guess would mean that there is no individual who does own that water.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709