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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Secret Spot Report


All Day

Well, since I wasn't able to hit up my spot yesterday due to just a crappy day at work eating up all my time and then some, I got up this morning and headed out to my secret Alpine puddle. I piled the canoe into the back of my truck, gear ready to go and was at the trail-head as the sun was coming up; I knew this was going to be a great day on the water. As I dragged the canoe down the trail I realized how much easier it pulled since the ground was nice and frozen....well, that wasn't the only thing frozen; the entire lake was frozen over!!! Now, I'm used to this lake partially freezing over, but to finally get everything out to the water's edge and realize, thar be no water captain! I grabbed a stick and chucked it out in the lake expecting it to break through but nope, it bounced and slid, so I grabbed a much bigger stick and flung it up in the air and it barely broke through....hmmmm, so I decided to push the canoe into the water and see if it'd break through and it did (this canoe ain't a lightweight, it's a Mad River Adventure 14 loaded with gear, cooler and anchor) so I said screw it, I came out here to fish, let's do this. So I tied up a pole for jigging as there was to be no trolling for cutts/bows, and pushed off and jumped in. I went a little ways, then the ice stopped me; I ended up having to put ballast up front, then make charges into the ice breaking it down, then backin up and repeating. The ice was just over an inch thick in places and sure didn't make moving easy! I got about a quarter of the way out and got tire and started jigging. Nuttin. Worked my way half way out, cleared some ice and started jiggin some more. Finally got some action, but it was just nibblin, not takin it, then zingggg bounce bounce and it was on! Got a real nice FAT nine or ten inch Crappie! Was pretty excited, ended up keepin on with that combo and got another hit, but this one felt different, felt bigger!!! Got it to the boat and danged if it wasn't a largemouth bass, right around eleven inches!!! Funny as heck, catchin a bass in the ice, that's new for me. Well, after bustin away some more ice and getting to the spot I like to fish, nuttin was happening, but it was a very nice day, zero wind, sun on me all day and a great day all around. I let the Crappie go since I didn't get into a mess of them and I always let bass go and made my way through my broken ice trail. Was on the water from seven'ish a.m. till bout one p.m.. It was in the twenties much of the time, but with no wind and the sun, it was great. Don't think I'll be doing that pond again, at least not by myself, it's a real pain bustin through by yourself!


Mike Carey
1/23/2008 9:02:00 PM
What a great report!
1/23/2008 9:38:00 PM
I agree, that was a great report. It brought me back to all those times I struggled launching the boat, gettin' wet, fighting the elements...but no matter what I still fished and still had a great day......................................... VooDuu Rules!
1/25/2008 6:56:00 PM
Thanks guys, I really had a great time and was half expecting to get some grief some people for doing something like that by myself....but no, people here are cool and understand what it is to love fishing. I SOOOOO wish I'd brought the camera, to see the sun coming up over the tall brush and weeds which were frozen and white, the orange blazing through like fire. What an awesome day and if someone at work hadn't quit, I'd have gone today too, arrgggh. Oh well, in a few more days I'm back at it, somewhere else, probably in the rain, haha.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709