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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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07 - The Dalles to McNary (Celilo/Umatilla) Report



All Day

Took the trip from CDA, ID to Mcnary Dam for the weekend with the intention of landing a oversized Sturgeon and we did just that. I found some shad floating down the river a few weeks ago after work, most likely casualties of the dam or spawned out fish? We tried close to the dam for about 45min with no luck then hooked up in the deep hole, WA side, above the bridge. That being said, fishing was Excellent up until our anchor was stolen 2 hours into our 2 day fishing trip!!
We fought this fish for about an hour down river, muscled him into the bay where we lost line of site to our buoy. Upon returning into view, about 1/4 mile downriver we noticed a Tracker boat cruising down river. When we arrived to our anchor position it was no where to be seen. We talked to a fellow boater who said they thought they seen a tracker boat pick it up so after them we went. 7 miles later full throttle down river we caught up to them, only to have them convincingly deny knowing anything about it and we could not see it in their boat from our angle. So we went back up river to ask another boat if they saw anything, they said it was indeed that tracker, same description. We called the sheriff and made a report. Loaded the boat up and went to the boat ramp in Umatilla. The Sheriff was there and one of the witnesses who also gave a report. Sheriff launched his jet boat to go looking but no luck. There happened to be a Tracker trailer at the ramp so we waited there and sure enough it was the same boat. Called sheriff back they showed up in a jiffy. There were only 2 of the 4 people in the boat this time, and after the sheriff searched their boat and vehicle nothing was found and there was nothing they could do. They admitted dropping off 2 buddies down river at another ramp.. (along with my anchor i'm sure)

Just want to give a warning to people out there even though this guy was from Montana and would probably never return and a big thanks to the Oregon Sheriffs for the effort they put into it. Our trip was ruined but our goal was met. Boat was a Black/White mid 2000's Tracker 18ft, with Red markings on side, Black Mercury motor and whitish/grey top. Truck was a 2012ish silver 3500 diesel. both registered in Montan if you ever see them beware and feel free to let them know what a POS they are. oh yeah, when I got home my bearing buddy was missing and the bearings were shot, split open and smoking so I guess I lucked out there, didn't drop it on the freeway going 65mph.. =)


Mike Carey
8/19/2013 10:11:00 PM
This report was edited to remove the boat and truck/trailer license information. For obvious reasons, we can't publish that type of detailed information on this site. Sorry to hear about your anchor, that really sucks. Nice oversize fish.
8/20/2013 12:06:00 AM
Thanks Mike. I understand it is not illegal yet this is not the place to do so. My apologies. ;) I should have mentioned that two separate fisherman offered their anchor systems for the day, which helped keep our spirits up. Also, if anyone has an abundance of fresh Shad and would like to do some bartering that would be swell. We cut the heads off and let the guts kinda hang out, seemed to work pretty good... I'll be making the voyage again in two weeks. Just PM me and i'll pick em up
8/20/2013 5:10:00 PM
SsendishM, nice fish and sorry for the situation you found yourself in. My uncles and I went down there a few yrs ago and when we stopped to eat at a roadside restaurant near that area we had are cooler full of fish disappear off the back of the boat. Good luck next trip!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709