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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report


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Bottom Fishing From Boat
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41° - 45°

One very tough day on Porcupine Bay, between 3 of us we totaled 16 walleyes and 2 smallies. We kept 11 eaters and they were just 16 inchers. We jigged and bladed all the way from buoy 5 back down to Porky with only 1 small eye caught just below buoy 5 in our burbort hole. There was no best color, and we tried them all, and no one depth seemed to hold fish. This was quite different then the week before when Glenn and I had a dinkfest and caught over 55 eyes. The only real difference between the 2 weeks was that the water clarity improved. The fishing should only get better as spring approaches, one can only hope.

One last note: For those of you out there catching, keeping and cleaning 8-10 inch walleyes; do us all a favor and go perch fishing at Potholes instead, unless your intent is too actually help the WA DFW ruin the walleye fishing in Roosevelt. I know some people travel quite a ways to fish Roosevelt but catching and cleaning 8 inch walleyes is just tragic. How do I know this is happening you might ask, well all one has to do is look in the water next to the docks at Porkys boat launch. I don't know what the new fishing rules are going to be but it would be nice if they established a minimum size limit of say 14 inches to protect the future of the fishery.


3/2/2015 5:18:00 PM
Well not sure why someone will kill and filet a fish that small, there isn't really enough meat to get off a fish that small.
3/2/2015 5:38:00 PM
the fish and game will be netting again, especially if the federal gov gives them and the Spokane Tribe another 4 million to do it. You might try not following their new regs which basically say you can keep 16 ten plus pound walleye a day. Try just keeping 7 under 22 and just one over or all under 22. Now everybody wants 16. The survey guy was convinced that there were only small fish in the lake while I was getting lots of fish over 22. Haven't caught many big fish for over two years now.
You have a world class fishery and you gill net it, STUPID.
3/3/2015 6:08:00 AM
Although decimating or reducing the Columbia River Walleye fishery is a really sad thing, you must be sympathetic to their plight. I don't agree with taking Walleye out or anything like that, I love Walleye fishing, but salmon are a native fishery and is an important part of the Pacific Northwest, therefore it's important to protect it. That is their reasoning. And, like I said, you have to understand there are good intentions behind trying to reduce Walleye. Personally, the sacrifice of one fishery for another isn't the solution esspecially since we have a world class Walleye fishery in the area around the Tri Cities. There probably are world class fish to catch out of that section of river. Just personal opinions, of course, but I'm sure others who fish for Walleye share similar opinions.
3/3/2015 6:09:00 AM
Now to the original reason I was going to comment: What was the water temp like up at Roosevelt?
3/3/2015 7:29:00 AM
The water temp was right at 40 degrees.

If the state really wants to help the salmon on the Columbia they better start whacking a bunch of seals and sea lions, they're the ones that are decimating the salmon runs. Oh wait a minute the we can't hurt the poor seals either even if they are now over populated and don't even get me started on the wind turbines for all of the "Green" energy and all of the birds they kill.
3/3/2015 8:51:00 AM
I to have fished the Lake Roosevelt system for many years and seen the size of the walleye decline. I believe the real problem is food. Even the bigger fish are skinny compare to fish in other systems. It's pretty rare to find bait fish their stomachs when I clean them. The Missouri River System in Montana and North and South Dakota had the same problem several years ago with stunted fish. Since their fish managers knew the importance of cultivating this valuable fishery, they did something about it and planted food fish. It didn't take long and 10 lb walleye are now very common. Unfortunately Washington and my home state of Idaho don't care about promoting spiny ray species.
3/3/2015 7:30:00 PM
Would love to see smelt and/or shad introduced into the upper Columbia. And the idiots that worry about being an evasive species could not whine, and just maybe our world-class walleye fishery that is Lake Roosevelt might survive. I am sure those that have fished Roosevelt lately will agree that the small mouth are nice and fat, so hopefully the cigars we have been catching will figure out what the smallmouth to 4lbs have been eating.
3/3/2015 10:27:00 PM
FYI -- They are protecting kokanee salmon the surrogate salmon of the Spokane Tribe, not the endangered sea run salmon stocks. Otherwise they would be netting Kettle Falls walleye too. The BPA said that they were sick and tired of paying for kokanee salmon hatchery fish only to have them eaten by walleye. So the BPA would rather pay for gill netting walleye and our FnG is going along with them.
They are netting the Northern Pike in the Pend Oreille with the idea that they are somehow preventing those fish from traveling up through Canada and back down through Roosevelt and into the lower reaches of the Columbia where they would decimate salmon. Not sure about the logic of that one either as there isn't much pike habitat along the way.
3/4/2015 8:52:00 AM
There is an effort to reintroduce Salmon above Grand Coulee, see page 8 of the newsletter - http://www.lrf.org/about-the-forum/newsletters. This is also a topic in the 2-day conference coming in April - http://www.lrf.org/conference
3/4/2015 12:36:00 PM
AS long as the tribes are in charge and fish and game seems to jump into bed with them with whatever they come up with we the sports man loose you think this is tough check out steel heading on the Skagit river.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709