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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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04 - Little Goose Dam to Lower Granite Dam Report



All Day

Well had a chance to do get a bunch of our sturgeon trips for the year done last week. Fishing was great one day and slow the next for us. We did catch a 6'-3" Albino white Sturgeon (Mel did lol). We ended the week with 22 fish with one keeper, biggest was 9'. Keeper fishing on the Snake below Lower Granite and most of the Snake is closed for good starting July 1 2015. Water is 68 degrees and water flow is starting to slow and fish are starting to move back down stream.

YJ Guide Service - 509-999-0717

We fish for Tiger Muskie, Walleye, catfish and Bass Locations include the Columbia - Wells Dam, Snake, Palouse, Newman Lake, Silver Lake, Curlew Lake, and Lake Roosevelt.Turkey hunting trips also available!


6/29/2015 2:10:00 PM
Way to go Craig an Mel looks like everyone was having a good time. So the river will close for all sturgeon or just keepers .take care and God Bless
6/29/2015 6:18:00 PM
Wow!! Great report. I have yet to catch my first sturgeon. I'll have to put that on the books.
6/29/2015 6:31:00 PM
Do you know if this rule change is new for 2015, can't seem to find it on the website and in the emergency rules. The regs still indicate below Lower Granite Dam open Feb 1 to July 31 limit one per day, and Aug 1 to Jan 31 catch and release. Thanks.
YJ Guide Service
6/29/2015 10:33:00 PM
Its under new for 2015 in the book. Heres a copy of it.
White Sturgeon
To address low adult abundance and size in Snake River white sturgeon
populations, retention of sturgeon on the Snake River and its tributaries
above Ice Harbor Dam has been closed to harvest. Catch-and-release
sturgeon fishing will continue to be allowed for these waters. Retention is
still allowed from February 1-July 31 below Ice Harbor Dam. See page 67
YJ Guide Service
6/29/2015 10:34:00 PM
And it will be open to catch and release still..
6/30/2015 7:21:00 AM
Thanks Craig for getting back to us hope to see you soon my friend.
6/30/2015 9:26:00 AM
I was just wondering if you caught any sub legal fish. It sounds to me like the fish numbers are up,
YJ Guide Service
6/30/2015 9:44:00 AM
we caught probably 5-6 sub legal size fish..
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709