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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Canada - British Columbia Report



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I decided to go back up to BC again to try my luck on the Chilliwack River again. So I show up at the hole and all the canadian are fishing roe and shrimp with their center pins. I saw this one guy hook up in the tail out and loose it right away, then leaves. So I go down to the tail out and start throwing a shrimp jig under a float. I worked the tail-out real hard for about 30 min when got a huge take down. Set the hook and the fish went beast mode. I'm thinking this might be a native. My drag is getting a work out! After about 10 min. I get it close enough to see the adipose fin of what looked to be about a 12# native hen. I was in Awe at the sight of this Beautiful fish! So I get it to shore and reaching for my camera when it broke off my leader.

SO then downstream I go to another hole that I scouted and started throwing jigs again. This canadian starts busting on my spinning gear and jigs. I'm thinking dude your busting on my jigs and your fishing a spinner under a float! So I'm feeling pretty confident after already landing one for the day. He goes down to the tail-out and I worked the mid-hole with my jigs. HE says he ain't a jig guy. I'm thinking cool, more fish for me to catch. Bobber goes down soon after that and I set the hook hard, feeling some heavy head shakes. 5 min. later the Canadian gentleman helps me tail this chunky hatchery hen and takes this nice picture of me and the fish. She weighed in at 14.6#, my personal best. The river is not Hot, but there are a few nice steelhead around. This was by far my best day so far this year so a 5 is warranted.



2/23/2014 5:23:00 PM
Great report and photos SilverSlayer! I've been wanting to go up and fish the Vedder too. Been up lots of times for Salmon in the past but have never gone up for Steelhead. You make it look easy! I'm sure it is a testament to your skill.
2/24/2014 1:33:00 AM
Now that's a steelhead! Well worth the trip, sounds like a great day. Good job!
2/24/2014 11:24:00 PM
Ive put in a lot of time on this river before getting into a steelhead. Timing is everything up there because there is so much fishing pressure. It's best to hit it at the peak of the run, after a good rain, on the drop. 1.8 m or less gage height at the bedder crossing. Salmon is different when they are in everyone is catching.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709