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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Snohomish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


81° - 85°
Pink Salmon
All Day

I've fished four days this week, for a total of around 20 hours. I had a buddy along on day 2, and he caught one buck on a spoon. Other than that, not a single tug. I've tried all manner of jigs -- hootchie, maribou, hybrids - all to no avail. I've used jigs and shrimp under a float, too, without success. Rolling fish have collided with the float, but no action on the business end. Spinners, Buzz Bombs and spoons are also been fruitless.

The area between the confluence of the Sky and Snoqualmie and the 522 bridge has been my primary target, with one brief excursion down about 1/4 mile from the bridge.

From discussions at the boat launch, it sounds like more fish are being taken lower in the river. As a rookie boat operator, I'm a little nervous about the water getting a little skinny in some spots when the river gets wider, so I've been hesitant to poke my nose down there too far.

I'd love any suggestions.


8/25/2017 9:08:37 PM
You can launch in snohomish and go down with no problems. The boat launch is on Lincoln ave, good luck,maybe I will see you on the river. My boar is a wooldrige and it the Ou812.
8/29/2017 9:34:39 AM
I'm running an old beater of a blue HewesCraft River Runner II. 4936MD. As much as I'd like a new motor, that old '76 Johnson just keeps puffin' along. Thanks for the word on launching in Snohomish. The stretch below 522 looks a little dicey, which is too bad because that's where I had such a good experience on a friend's Wooldrigde Alaskan two years back.
Geno the Viking
8/26/2017 2:14:41 PM
Lots of pinks in the lower Snohomish but really finicky biters. Hard to catch. One needs lots of patience. Every kind of boat one can imagine out there from little pontoons to the idiot in the speedboat who I'm surprised hasn't been torpedoed.
8/29/2017 9:29:53 AM
I fished yesterday for several hours, and hooked a couple. One spit the hook, and the other snapped the line. I had a pretty light drag set. Frankly, I'm not that crazy about the durability of fluorocarbon. I could be wrong, but it seems brittle.

Two guys motored in above me, and landed three fish in the first 90 minutes. The major difference was that their jigs were tipped with sand shrimp. Time for a trip to the bait shop, I reckon. I need to go anyway, since I left my entire collection of pink jigs in the river over the past week. The upper part of the Snohomish seems to have as many "stumpies" as "humpies".

8/31/2017 2:45:08 PM
Well, seven days and no fish. There were plenty of rollers and jumpers, but shy on biters. One good hookup led to getting a big fish close to the boat before he went under it and snapped me off. Last night, I was fishing a spot and two guys in a drift boat (you know who you are) moved in right on top of me and were casting within 3-4 feet of my boat, effectively blocking me from casting to that side. I had waited two hours for that spot to open. I really need to get those torpedo launchers installed before Coho season gets going. They foul-hooked one fish, then hooked into what could only have been a Chinook. It was huge, and very aerobatic. The fight lasted a few seconds before ending suddenly with a huge splash on the surface. It was quite a show.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709