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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



Coho Salmon
Mostly Sunny

After getting absolutely embarrassed on Lake Wa 2 times in a row I decided it's time to head back to the salt. It's been very good to me every time I've gone out this year.

Took a bit of time to find schools of fish this morning but once we did I had a quick limit within 10 min. The bite happened right in between the Edmonds Marina and oil docks. Cut Plug herring and a green flasher was ticket. 500 ft of water 70 ft on the wire!

Finally got my new reel (lefty) which are hard to come by these days apparently. It worked like a charm! Fish On!!!



9/24/2017 4:02:52 PM
"Ha! You embarrass the rest of us just about every time you post!" lol You're a hell of a fisherman. What speed and which green flasher?
9/24/2017 9:14:08 PM
Lol, wasn't the case the past few trips to lake Wa. Lost my mojo out there.

As for the salt.. we fished from 3.2-3.6 most of the morning. Green pro troll with a neon orange strip down the side. Not exactly sure what it's called but im sure you get the description.

Herring is a must!!!
9/24/2017 5:01:00 PM
Great job DJ! Way to get the mojo back!!
9/24/2017 9:15:26 PM
No no, havnt gotten my Lake Wa mojo back. And sorry for not getting back you to you about fishing. I guess I was pretty defeated after yesterday's outting.
9/25/2017 7:35:48 PM
No worried big guy! Turns out I needed to closer to home so just hit the south end of the lake!
9/24/2017 7:24:13 PM
Dj, I hold my pole in my dominate (right)hand and reel with my left. I know how hard it is to get lefties. Thanks for the report.
9/24/2017 9:16:25 PM
Yes, I had to back order off Cabelas website because they didn't have them in store anymore. Gosh darn lefties lol.
9/24/2017 10:35:37 PM
Good call on hitting the salt DJ. Hit Lake WA all day Saturday in the south end up to I-90 bridge. Schools of bait were nowhere to be found and for 8+ hours of non-stop trolling I got ONE strike that didn't stick, that was it. What a difference a week makes. I put everything in my arsenal in the water throughout the day and right in their face and they were not interested. Thankfully it was a nice sunny day. It will turn over soon and come back. Also I feel your pain fellow lefty. Reels are hard to come by sometimes with the handle on the proper side. Nice report, Be safe! -G
9/25/2017 12:36:01 AM
DJ, I just want to join in to say what a joy it has been to read your posts. Always informative and you have been nailing the cutthroat better than anyone! Also, I have been holding the rods with my stronger right arm and reeling with my left for years. Skippers keep trying to correct me, like I am a little kid. I can hold the rod with my left. Just like it better with my right. Finally, someone said to me that I should get a left handed reel. OK, what ever. I have a few left handed reels now.
9/25/2017 12:43:13 AM
Hey DJ, I did have a couple of questions for you. I have a Colorado pontoon raft similar to your raft.
1). How do you transport your raft? I originally bought it with intension of carrying in my van, but found it difficult to take apart for travel and put together again. Ease and quickness is important. Too heavy to lift up on my rack.
2). I have leaks on the pontoons. Can you recommend a method for sealing the leaks?
Your wisdom is appreciated. Thanks, Larry
9/25/2017 7:06:33 PM
FishingTenor .....

nrs .com
9/25/2017 9:19:54 AM
Nice work mr. Butler, as always, well done.
9/25/2017 11:55:26 AM
I run leftys too. The worm gears went out on both the Okuma convector and Cabelas depthmaster within a year. Parts were easy to find for the Okuma, but no luck with the cabelas reel. Ended up getting a penn squall to replace it and its lasted 2 seasons so far.
9/25/2017 1:08:23 PM
I may just have to buy one as back up
9/25/2017 3:36:58 PM
Good for you. I'd be out there too but my Seahawk has been in the hospital at Jacobsens for a week now. They told me today I was next on the list to get worked on so maybe I'll be back out there soon. I had electrical problems on my main motor. A week ago I was out and the ground wire in the front of my main was merrily burning away. I limped back to the Edmonds Marina on my kicker. First time I've ever had electrical problems with any of the five boats I've owned over 40 years. Couldn't come at a worse time!
ve owned
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709