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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Long Lake Report
Stevens County, WA



41° - 45°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
41° - 45°

I headed out Saturday with my buddies Glenn and Ron for a little crappie fishing. It was definitely a little crappie fishing as only 1 was caught by Glenn in the first hour and a half. We moved a short distance and spent the next 2 hours catching jumbo perch. We were fishing the channel edge in 35 FOW near the weedbed across from Tum Tum; surprisingly there are still a lot of lillypads surrounding the two islands. Anyway we just slowly moved up and down the river channel drop shotting an assortment of grubs and ripple shad minnows. Once we found the right spot it was almost overkill to use two rods as it was hard to not have one perch on each pole at the same time. We totaled over 175 perch caught and kept 150 that were 10-12 inches long. We also caught 12 rainbows up to 20 inches but only kept 4 of the slimers. For about 2 hours it was non-stop action and we only stopped at 1200 because we knew we had to clean all of them. It took the 3 of us an hour and half to fillet all of them. It was a great way to spend time with my fellow veterans on a day that is set aside to honor all of those citizens, that have been and still are willing to lay their lives on the line so the rest of the country can safely enjoy doing whatever it is they want to. If you want to know who the real 1% is look no further that the Active duty, Guard, Reserve and veterans of this great country.

Aim High!


11/12/2017 8:08:19 PM
AMEN & Semper Fi !
11/12/2017 8:51:32 PM
Nice Mark thanks for the report. Where did you launch? Tight lines and enjoy the perch fry - Alan
11/13/2017 10:18:20 PM
Dang! Nice bunch of perch. Thanks for the report.
11/15/2017 7:55:27 PM
Hey Alan,

One of my buddies lives at Suncrest so we were able to use that launch. The state launch further upriver is open; we saw several bass boats head that way so it appeared that was where they launched from.
11/30/2017 8:28:44 PM
Thanks Mark nice to have friends at Suncrest. I checked the confluence launch the other day and it looked good. Pretty good run to Tum Tum from there. Guess Suncrest isn't that close either! Just remember the picture of you flying down the lake in the snow...brrr.
11/18/2017 9:20:17 PM
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709