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Area 2 Westport - Ocean Shores Report



36° - 40°
Power Bait
Mostly Sunny
Bait Only

Not sure it is a ‘4’ but it felt better than a ‘3’. Started the morning by heading to Wallmart in Aberdeen to pick up some pyramid sinkers and different bait as they were open at 6 am this morning. They had the sinkers but not the bait I wanted.
On the way back I ran into Westport to see if the Englund Marine store might be open. Wish I would have gone there first. Nice brand new store, helpful people and they have a lot of good stuff, including the Gulp Sandworms I wanted.
When I got back to our TT I swapped out the circle hooks on my three hook set up with bait holders and set it up with 2” chunks of Gulp Sandworms. Fished down the beach until I caught the first perch, took note of the amount of line out (colored in 25’ sections) and cast to the same spot. Boom! A Double!!! Next cast I got an overspool knot and had to tie on a new weight line as it snapped off with the abrupt stop.
After I cleared it and retied I cast to the same spot again. Another perch! I was getting hungry so decided to call it a day. Well, after one more cast... Another perch!
Don’t know if it was just hitting the right spot, using the Gulp Sandworms (most of the vids and ‘how to’s’ recommended them) or just holding my mouth right but I caught some fish! While the pyramid (2 oz) weight held better than the flattened bank sinkers I was using the last two days it did still move around some but they will be what I use. Today I was using an Okuma 9’6” SST in Medium Light with a Diawa casting reel, Power Pro 15# line with Trilene 14# leader.
I think I could get hooked on this surf perch thing!


Mike Carey
12/26/2017 7:17:13 PM
it's been fun following your reports as you learn by trial and error. Congrats on the steadily improving results!
12/26/2017 7:33:57 PM
An old hand at surf fishing taught me to drive a couple of 8d nails through the pyramid sinker, opposing each other. It really helped to anchor the weight.
12/26/2017 7:40:42 PM
Nice job! I agree with Mike. It's been fun watching the progression and determination to get better. Thanks for sharing.
12/26/2017 7:58:42 PM
How do they taste? Good for a fish fry? Never caught any and was wondering if they are like fresh water perch?
12/26/2017 8:13:00 PM
Never have tasted them! Well, yet anyway... Got some friends coming tomorrow and we are all going to try them together. My Father In Law thinks they are some of the best eating fish and he has sampled a LOT of fish.
12/26/2017 8:21:38 PM
Good report!
12/27/2017 4:56:38 AM
Nice catch! I also enjoy catching red trails . I fish copalis and grayland beaches. My system is quite simplistic but effective. I use a 2 once pyramid and 2 #10 bait hooks. No other hardware. I tie dropper loops for the hooks and the weight. I actually prefer the sinker moving in the surf and have good results with this approach. Gulp sand worms for me. Good luck.
12/27/2017 8:15:49 AM
I used to use dropper loops but had two of them snap off this trip so tied in three way swivels. Probably over stressing the knot... I need to tie a bunch and test them to see what the issue is.
Sounds basically like the same set up I am using? The little boogers sure fight hard for their size!
The Quadfather
12/27/2017 1:27:37 PM
Awesome! You’ve definetly moved up in your skillset, lol.
It’s hard to tell a guy with pics of fish anything at all, but I prefer a very small hook. About the size of your ring finger’s finger nail. (Like what a Gamagatsu drop shot hook looks like)
Then again... you’ve pics of a double haul, big hooks or not. (-:
12/27/2017 6:10:17 PM
Remember, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while! Lol!
I put #4’s on when I switched out hooks. I think the ones that were on before were 1’s or 2’s.
We ate them today and the flesh taste reminds me of lake perch. Mild. But it is quite soft, bordering on mushy, as I have seen it described. Be good for fish taco’s or fish cakes. Maybe battered and deep fried? Good flavor though.
1/3/2018 8:23:15 PM
Tracker my father in law from Minnesota introduced me to frying magic try that. I use it for walleye,perch,and halibut fish fry
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709