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Coeur d'Alene Lake Report
Kootenai County, ID



Top Fishing From Boat
Mostly Sunny

I was actually not planning to fish this Saturday, but at the last minute things changed, and I got out to Cda with a friend I haven't fished with since early last year, and his son. We were on the water at 5:30 am, since I had to be off the water by noon. I think I better start getting out of bed earlier every weekend. We spent a half hour or so looking for the monster I spotted a few weeks ago but she was not around or she was not to be fooled by what we had to offer this time around.
We moved on to some of the locations that have been successful for me this year and the action got started almost immediately. My friend stuck a nice fish at about 8 pounds right off the bat. I told them I thought there were more fish in there so we went back over the same spot and he stuck another fish. This would be a fish I consider "By catch" however, if you're going to catch something besides a pike, it might as well be a 5 lb. largemouth. Her tail was hammered from spawning, but a beautiful fish anyway, with a ton of fight in her.

We moved on to the next location and put 4 pike in the boat in about a half hour with the largest fish being the one in this photo at 32". I thought she was a bit bigger when I saw her hit the spinner bait. She crushed that bait and went on about a 20 foot run. I got her turned around, only to have her strip out another 10-15 feet of line. As she got to the boat she wanted no part of participating in a photo with me and decided to take a shot at running under the boat. I have caught a lot of pike in my day but this one was a real scrapper for 32". I won this battle and netted her, took a quick photo and let her swim away.
The next few spots we hit produced a few more fish and we ended the day with 9 pike and 4 bass.
You would think I had been doing this long enough to know that a guy should put a net under a 9-10 pound fish. I fought a nice fish in that range up to the boat. When my friend asked if I wanted to net her I said "No she looks like she's given up". Ya right. I took hold if the line and reached for her, then she decided to make another dash for the bottom of the lake. Just like that, the line snapped, and she took off with a brand new spinner bait. I can deal with not getting the photo, but I had just landed a few fish on that new spinner bait. I just got it made up by my guy from Texas and was real happy with it's results. Guess who's getting an email right after I finish this report. :)

We saw water temps from 71-75 degrees in the main lake. The action slowed as it got warmer, but I felt like I could have found more fish had I been able to hang around a little longer. We missed a few others on the day and a couple of them were pretty nice fish. Guess we'll have to catch them another day.
All of our pike were on the deep side of the weed lines, and all were taken on spinner baits. Silver blades did the trick again with the sunny conditions.
If you're interested in following along, I'm now on Instagram at thepikesupremacist

Good luck out there!
Aj's Dad
"The Pike Supremacist"


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709