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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



46° - 50°
Chinook Salmon
Mostly Sunny

Had three great days fishing for Blackmouth in MA10. The Shilshole/Meadow Point area is just loaded with nice fish in the 6-7lb range. Not to mention a ton of almost keepers and little guys. We released more keepers than we took home. Non stop action.

I marked our general trolling path with hotspots. The pattern was the same all three days. The area seems to fish best early. Sun comes up and about 10 oclock it seems to die. Or just my imagination.

Fishing 80-120 fow bouncing the bottom. Brads Cut Plugs herring pattern., Old Goats OG1 blue/green and Silver Horde Lite herring aide all caught keeper fish. We ran a little longer leaders than usual, appx 44 inches and a little longer drop back, appx 20-25 feet. Dont know if that made a difference or not but it worked.

Tight lines


1/15/2019 7:41:29 PM
You make it look easy! Thanks for the report
1/16/2019 9:27:24 AM
Some days are easy, some days not so much. Its always hard work for sure. Work the water, work the water column, swap out gear looking for the magic. Downriggers are singing all day long.
1/16/2019 6:17:39 AM
Randy: Thanks for putting the OG2 to work out there. (What size were you fishing--the 2.8" or 3.9"?)
1/16/2019 9:29:29 AM
Report says OG1, meant to say OG2. Fat fingers. We were using the 2.8" OG2.
1/16/2019 12:46:00 PM
Nice catch Randy! You and Paul are crushing the blackies this winter!
1/16/2019 3:39:02 PM
No doubt about it we have had a good winter so far. The fishing has been fantastic and we have been able to work around the weather. Keeping fingers crossed our luck holds.
1/16/2019 7:59:29 PM
Great report Randy! Nice to see that you are having such good results.
1/17/2019 7:00:13 PM
Thanks for the great report. I haven't ever been salmon fishing on the sound but hope to one day. I am keep a notes on different gear, locations & techniques to try when I am ready to get out there and give it a try. I appreciate that you are willing sharing information online with others. Great catch and glad to see Paul out there enjoying himself also!
1/17/2019 7:39:13 PM
Dont know where you live but I launch out of Shilshole or Everett. PM me. Love taking new people out.
1/17/2019 7:40:34 PM
HEADS UP!!!! MA-10 closing Saturday night. MA7, 8-1, 8-2 and 9 still open.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709