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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Cedar River Report
King County, WA



71° - 75°
Spin Casting
Rainbow Trout
Mostly Sunny

Gave the Cedar River a go, and wasn't dissapointed! Fish were hitting hard and water was running a low and clear.

1/8th Ounce Bass Pro Shops Micro Spin on four pound Stren Original got me plenty of bites. Walking this little RoosterTail knockoff through riffles and runs seemed to keep the lure vulnerable to predation and very snag free as well! Watch the YouTube episode I made for this trip!


6/16/2019 11:15:04 PM
Awesome video. I'd like to fish that River. I'm over there for work often but I live up
6/17/2019 12:24:20 PM
Where did you park and walk in?
6/17/2019 2:23:00 PM
Great post and even better video!! Was hoping you could give me a general idea on what stretch of there river you were on just to get me pointed the right direction before i go explore? Thanks
6/17/2019 4:54:05 PM
Thanks for the info on the Cedar.....can you at least mention if you were on the upper 1/3, middle 1/3 or lower 1/3? I tend to hit near the golf course which I consider the lower part of the middle 1/3. Only fly fished it, but it’s time to try gear as I always Fish single barbless and no bait when I do gear fish. Last question....are you using felt boots? If not, how slippery do you feel it is? Thanks again
Fishin Original
6/17/2019 6:18:59 PM
Thanks for the interest!

I was fishing in the middle 1/3 of the river, but anywhere can be good. My suggestion would be to find some bends or runs on google maps and go check them out firsthand. When you get in the river, walk as far as you possibly can WITHOUT casting. Get your eyeballs on several river miles quickly to identify the absolute best spots. It is very easy to get caught up in the first spot you find at the Cedar- which might work just fine, but know there's fish elsewhere too! If you have a bike, take the trail and see even more water.

In this video I WAS using felt boots and wet wading in neoprene socks to make them fit right. This was the first time I've been in felt out there; I almost always go in keens or tennis shoes and survive 100% of the time! In all seriousness, the wading boots were significantly better and I would recommend felt when the flows exceed 400 CFS at the Renton USGS site. Anything under that is pretty easy crossing in flip flops and daisy dooks. Don't drown in a logjam, and go catch em!

6/17/2019 10:36:29 PM
Thanks for the info....hit the river tonight and did surprisingly better than I thought I would. Landing fish was a different story. I actually did well casting up stream and reeling fast as it came to me. Can you better explain what you do when you cast down stream. The bail opening and closing part. I was using a 1/8 Roostertail. What was the weight of your spinner? 1/16th? thanks BG
Fishin Original
6/23/2019 10:46:03 PM
Casting upriver works great as well, I’m glad you tried your own thing! As I said in the written portion of this report, I was using 1/8 ounce the whole time. If I am casting downriver I don’t go lighter than this; the lure needs Have enough weight to be felt. I guess what I aim to do is keep the blade kicking as slow as I possibly can when I am casting downriver. This is achieved by backing the lure into the heavier current and reeling slowly into light current. If you are casting upriver, you want to reel just fast enough to keep the lure off the bottom, which is likely what you found out. Casting slightly upriver and allowing a slack line sweep if a great way to start a deeper retrieve
6/27/2019 1:26:42 PM
Nice video. Not a good idea to beach trout on the grass. Much better survival odds if you land with a rubber net, so both us fly and spin guys can catch him again. Dome join us at ron rgi park in August to help clean up the trash in the river.

Bellevue/Issaquah Chapter of Trout Unlimited shared a link to the event: Cedar River Clean Up.Like Page
June 25 at 9:37 PM ·
You can also sign up here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cedar-river-clean-up-tickets-6…
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709