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Palouse River Report
Franklin County, WA



81° - 85°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Bait Only
56° - 60°

First real trip to the Palouse. Took awhile to figure out how to get up the river but eventually we did. We started out about a quarter of a mile up the main river above the big mud flat. We were in 5 FOW and were using cut up trout for bait. My daughter caught the first and only cat of the day. It was about 4 lbs. That ended up being the only one, we had one other obvious cat bite. We did also catch a dink smallie and a little perch on a drop shot rig on nightcrawlers. I also caught a small bullhead so technically I guess we caught 2 members of the catfish family.


5/4/2021 7:36:11 AM
Glad to see you got out with your daughter on some newish water and picked up a couple! I've always wanted to give this area try but with the new little one in the house I'm going to focus my limited free time chasing walleyes this spring but will make a trip or two there next year. My brother is flying in Friday to meet the little guy and hopefully a trip to Rufus or the Arm.
hopefully I'll see you on the water,
5/4/2021 4:56:14 PM
Dan, it was a little slow but we still had a great time. That is beautiful little spot. Crossing the mud flat to get to the river was interesting. After talking to a local, leaving was easier. Just point your bow at opening on the Snake and go for it. Don't look at your depth though, it will just scare you. It did! Shallowest I saw was 1.9 ft but being on plane I never had my prop in the mud, as far as I know.
5/1/2022 8:34:29 AM
I was cruising past articles on the Palouse intending to make my first '22 trip over for walleye and cats and saw your post. The way to go up the river beyond the flats is to hug the west shore of the flats (or left as you go up river) no more than 35 to 40' out. Once you get within30' or so of the north shore at the far end, bare right and again stay about 30' from the bank. you will encounter only one spot between the turn and entering the river where the water is around 2' deep. Once your sounder registers 4' your clear. In the many years I've navigated the river I've seen more than a dozen boats tear their props of or even hole their boats on snags that have floated down the river and hung in the boats. Jet boats are a different story as they can zip up at full throttle drawing only 6 or 8". I pulled one guy back to the marina last year after he tore a hole in his Lund and blew his prop off...he bailed his boat while I pulled him. There used to be a marked path down the center of the flats but someone pulled the markers. (this post was written on May 1, '22.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709