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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

Went to Rufus Woods lake for 3 days (Wed, Thurs, Fri) with my dad and brother. We went right above Chief Joseph Dam in between the dam and the boat barrier on Murphy Road. It was very cold probably ranging from 25-35 all days. We caught our limit every day except got 5 all together on Fri because it was so cold we couldn't feel our fingers and put on any more bait. The limit is 2 fish per day so we only missed out on 1. The fish ranged from 2-6 lbs and put up fights. We used 10 lb test. We put an egg weight at the end of the line and would tie on a swivel. Than we would tie 3 feet of leader on the other end of the swivel and then tie on the hook at the end of the leader. We would put 1 scented marshmallow on the hook and pull it up onto the line. Than we would do the same with 2 or 3 mini Jetpuff marshmallows. That would make it float better of the bottom. Than we put a power egg at the top of the hook. Than a scented marshmallow and 1/4 of a worm. Than put another power egg on the bottom of the hook. The reason you put on power eggs is to hold on the other stuff because power eggs are so strong. You might have to squeeze it together good. MAKE SURE YOU SLIDE THE MARSHMALLOWS ON THE LINE SO THEY ARE RIGHT ON TOP OF THE HOOK!!!! TOP IT OFF WITH WD-40 BECAUSE THEY SEEM TO LOVE IT. We ended up catching about 55lbs of fish all together and 20 POUNDS OF FILLETS. It was a very fun trip.


Joe Heater
12/26/2007 1:21:00 PM
WD-40. Why does that NOT surprise me.
12/26/2007 6:37:00 PM
Wow you guys are really killin some fish eh! What poundage! Hope you keep it up and then we won't have fish to have to worry about killing in twenty years.
Costco has trout for sale you know....you could just enjoy the sport without having to kill every fish you an leagally kill.
12/26/2007 8:25:00 PM
Why are you getting upset at someone for keeping his legal limit? It's his right to keep the legal limit, if you have a problem with that then take it up with the people who make the regs!
NICE FISH by the way, I have heard of wd-40 being good for salmon, but so far this is the first I have heard of for trout fishing.
12/26/2007 9:10:00 PM
Thanks Derrick for backing me up! I mean it was legal and we will eat it. How is that bad?
Mike Carey
12/26/2007 10:58:00 PM
I doubt Rufus Woods can be fished out in December. Hope you like trout because it looks like you're going to be eating them a lot for the next couple of months!
12/27/2007 2:40:00 PM
Most Rufus big trout are trips. Meaning, they are sterile, so fishing out the lake is a moot point. They release thousands of them each year.

Or, we could celebrate the Costco farmed fish, which taste bad and are farmed in little tiny cages with millions of others. That's ethical.

Rufus trout are pretty much farmed, but it is people who enjoy the sport who do the farming. It is much more humane than Costco farmed fish. They taste fine because they are not hand fed pellets and have room to roam.
12/27/2007 2:42:00 PM
Great catch! I've always seen reports and heard other places that Rufus is a top notch fishery.
Mike Carey
12/27/2007 11:44:00 PM
If they taste anything like lake Roosevelt trout they are mana from heaven - yum!
Fish Man
1/10/2008 4:44:00 PM
hay thom ASS p. Who are you to judge. Th guy is just taking his kids out for a good time
1/31/2008 2:13:00 AM
i agree with u guys theres no problem with keeping ur legal limit but just to let u know using WD-40 is illegal to use, im not trying to be an ass or anything just letting u know.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709