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Eloika Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Went to Eloika Sat. Got on the water about 5AM. Put on a white willow bladed (chrome) spinnerbait and started getting little dinks immediately. Started right at the ramp and they just couldn't stay off that spinnerbait. No fish over 2 lbs. but those little ones were just knocking the crap out of the lure. That bite lasted until about 8:30, so I went out to the middle of the lake and just let the wind drift me north while I had out a 2" Gulp Jigging grub on a tiny jig head and picked up a pretty nice crappie and about a 12" brown. Fished until 10 AM. Pretty good day. Probably could have picked up some larger bass if I'd switched over to plastics, but I was having way too much fun. The weeds are getting pretty thick. Could prove aggrevating for someone not used to fishing the salad. I was raised in the South, so weeds are just part of fishing as far as I'm concerned. Overall a pretty good morning. Next time I think I'll try to hit the water about an hour earlier. Was plent light out at 5.


6/30/2009 10:04:00 AM
You have a pretty good attitude for the salad. It sounds like you did well enough to justify the 4 rating, and it was good to hear that the Browns are still there. How big do you think the Crappie was?
6/30/2009 12:00:00 PM
Crappie was 8 or 9 inches. Was so excited to catch on, as I haven't caught or even fished for any since leaving GA in 1999. One of my favorite eating fish. I will go back and concentrate on them some more later this month. I used to always fish for them with "tuffy" minnows, so I'll have to adjust to the different laws here. I lost count of the largemouth I caught Sat. morning after boating the first dozen (could not keep them off that spinnerbait), but unlike many bass anglers I'd rather catch a bunch of little ones than one or two big ones anymore. I've caught enough big bass in my lifetime that I'll settle for the action over the conquest.
6/30/2009 6:08:00 PM
hope it was 9 if you kept it 10 over 9" just in case you didnt know not trying to be the cops i hammer them on the north east end
7/1/2009 9:19:00 AM
Thanks kalous I knew there was a limit of 10 but somewhere the length limit totally went by me. No excuse I know they are pretty plain in the book (as in side by side, I double checked after reading your comment). Anyway will be sure to measure all of them from now on. Appreciate the heads up and reminder.
7/1/2009 10:30:00 AM
I will say one thing for sure, we almost need to take a lawyer fishing with us to follow all the rules in WA - LOL. As a transplant to WA myself, and as someone that fishes Montana, Idaho, and of course Washington almost equally, I need to spend at least a half hour in the regulations before I go on each trip. Even then, I occasionally get busted on this site for something I messed up on - Ooops. If you are from GA, pay special attention to the limits, to live bait rules, and even to Crayfish seasons. Crayfish was my last mistake, good thing someone set me straight - Ouch.
7/1/2009 11:05:00 AM
AA yes I read the deal about the crawdad thing with you. At least you weren't hammered to death by someone as being a poacher. I know ignorance is no excuse, and in my case I have no leg to stand on at all, as the length requirement for crappie on Eloika is clearly stated right along with the creel limit. I read the regs and for some reason the creel limit stuck with me and not the length limit. Thank goodness kalous informed me politely and courteously.
7/2/2009 12:08:00 AM
no problem just lookin out for the other guy.good luck
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709