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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sprague Lake Report
Adams County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

Arrived about 10:30 at the public boat launch. Hiked east about a 1/4 mile along the south shore until I found an open area under a bluff. Kinda out of the wind and due south of the North shore resort. Cast a worn & marshmallow about 40 ft. out in about 10 foot of water. Hooked up a very large trout within 20 minutes. It jumped once and I horsed it to the shore where the hook just pulled out of it's mouth at the waters edge. It was gone. One worm down and eleven to go. 1/2 hour later #2 was on. Jumped a couple times but got it onto the bank safely, a fat 16"er. About an hour this time and my pole goes to jumping around and I'm on it. This was an even bigger Rainbow 18+ and the hook tore loose from it's lip but it was on the shore. Man these are heavy fish. Another hour goes by as does a couple wind surfers several times. Soon I head for the truck. These two are enough for this stormy day. 2:30 and I'm loaded up. At home cleaning found both had eggs. The smaller had a belly full and was just about ready to spawn and the larger was still developing hers. Noticed the flesh color isn't nearly as dark as the Rock Lake trout I've been catching. Now they are filleted and will be smoked tomorrow. Go catch some of you own. Chow


4/3/2010 9:21:00 PM
Good to hear the trout are finally biting.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709