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Riffe Lake Report
Lewis County, WA


Top Fishing From Shore

First off I want to say this is one of the most beatiful places to fish that I have ever been to.We arrived at the lake around 0930 and fished until about 1800.The beggining of the day was terrible,couldn't get a bite to save our lives!Bite started to pick up around 1400.We were fishing with shrimp then switched over to worms,both seemed to work equaly well.Ended up with 6 koks and one carp between the 4 of us.Gave this outting a 5 because of the amazing views and all the wild life that we saw.Could have been better in the catching department but I am sure the next time will produce alot more.


7/19/2010 5:01:00 PM
There not koks there landlock silvers. The bite is slowing down. 2 weeks ago u would of walked with limit n 30min.
7/19/2010 7:53:00 PM
hey shane, bud landlocked silvers are kokanne. bro learn before you comment.remember either way tight lines dude!
7/19/2010 9:57:00 PM
Landlocked sockeye are kokanee, for the record.
Bob R
7/20/2010 6:00:00 AM
Fish loggin' I'd make sure i knew what I was talking about before commenting on what people know about fish identification. Get a good book on fish I.D. Peterson field guides make a good one.Troutcatcher 82, great views do not make a five star report, limits of fish do. Bob R.
7/20/2010 11:26:00 PM
Guys... this is all kind of silly don't you think? I'm happy Troutcatcher gave a report. We all want honest reports in the long run. Why bust the guy's balls for calling a landlocked salmonid of some sort..... a kokanee? Landlocked Silver or Kokanee... does it really matter? As long as the fisherman knows enough to not take more than their limit and to release the fish that they are supposed to how can there be a problem with that? If I were to catch a landlocked Sockeye in Riffe Lake (is there any?) or if I were to catch a "landlocked Silver" it would still not matter to me unless it was in the Regs to release "Kokanee" or to release "Landlocked Silvers". Thanks for the report Troutcatcher. I appreciate your report and for appreciating the resource from which you were able to catch the Silvers! Riffe Lake is awesome and has some great treasures!
Bob R
7/21/2010 5:27:00 AM
I just think people should post accurate reports on what fish they catch, it's not like it's really hard to do,laziness? I don't get it, if you are into fishing enough to bother posting you would think they'ed bother to learnabout what they are catching,improper fish I.D. does the fish and the rest of the fishermen a disservice.
Bob R
7/21/2010 6:12:00 AM
besides, if this site encourages educating each other misidentifiing fish just continues to keep people uninformed.It's not really hard to do, it seems a LOT of people resent being corrected.
7/21/2010 2:29:00 PM
Wow,didn't know I made a mistake posting a report.Sorry Bob R. for not meeting your expectations.I only said kokanee because that is what i was told they were by the person who brought me there.I will run to the store and buy me some fish flash cards for my next outing buddy.And just curious how it does the fish a disservice? Last time I checked they don't read too well.I don't know maybe I am wrong yet again.
Bob R
7/21/2010 2:49:00 PM
Would you go hunting and not know what type of animal you're shooting? And if you treat fish like trash (i.e. wasting fish, poaching, littering, etc) isn't that doing a diservice to the fish? After all, they don't know how they were caught or how trash gets in the water!. Just saying, with the amount of folks who just don't think it's worth posting accurate reports you would think the only reason to post is for bragging rights vs. information about catching fish, and knowing what it is they are catching.Since this subject has been on posts concerning this lake for who knows how long you would think people would learn by looking up previous posts. Who knows, you might learn some helpful hints on limiting out on that lake by studying previous history by other people on this site. you might have even had a hint or two for the guy who brought you there, and you might even learn what fish are and are not in a particular lake. But i'm wasting valuble bandwidth here (LOL) and will leave the misidentificaion issues to other folks. Bob R
7/21/2010 8:47:00 PM
Steelhead6438 i was just leting him know. And I dont belive there r kokes in this lake. Troutcatcher u can rate your report any way u want to me even 1 catch with the views out there is a 5. A day fishing is alwas better then a day at work
7/21/2010 10:09:00 PM
I think everyone here has a point ,but the whole goal of this site is to inform and educate our fellow fisherpersons out there.I know at times things seem to get negative and you wonder why you posted ,Bobr does have a point the information needs to be correct when reporting or its not worth reporting because its rendered useless now.And there is always room to get your props in but its not always about them.We should think about what we say before we say it.There are ways of getting things thru to people in a postive way ,you maybe the on on the short stick in the cross fire on your next post due to some other post from the past that was negative.Bobr knows his stuff and he maybe old school but thats a school id be proud to graduate from.
7/22/2010 2:47:00 AM
Bob R is definitely correct in the fact that a fisherman who is planning on fishing in a lake that they don't usually fish... and also plan on harvesting fish from that lake...should definitely be aware of the types of fish and what they look like so they don't make mistakes in harvesting a possible endangered specie. It is definitely important to identify the fish correctly. In many lakes there are fish that can be harvested and fish that can't. An example of this would be on Lake Cushman where Dolly Varden are a "Protected" Endangered specie. People often confuse Dolly Varden with Brook Trout and take a fish home. I totally understand what BOB R is trying to accomplish by correctly identifying the fish. It hopefully eliminates mistakes by fisherman who might harvest a fish that they're not supposed to. (That is how it does the fish a disservice). In this lake however, I have only seen landlocked silvers and am unaware of any rules that say "Kokanee" (Landlocked Sockeye) must be released. If there were both species in this lake and there were different regs on them... then I would be concerned. I don't think that's the case in this lake. I share Bob's concern that too many fish perish at the hands of unaware and ignorant fisherman. This truly isn't the case for this report however.
Bob R
7/22/2010 5:55:00 AM
My intent is NOT to insult belittle or negativly affect postings. I believe that the best way to learn something from this site is to use the resource of years of experience posted on this site, this means looking up past reports on lakes you wish to fish. Info on seasonal changes, lures that have produced in the past, and hot spots are invaluble tips that should not be overlooked. If you go to other states that have similer sites you will find how useless they are compared to this site. Use the info available and you WILL be a better fisherperson. Bob R.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709