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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Swift Lake Report
Skamania County, WA



Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout
Sinking Fly Line

Made an early start on Swift at 6am from the boat ramp. My first time to fish from a boat and my buddy has done so several times. Right off the bat from the launch we were into fish, as we started trolling with fast sinking lines, greater than type IV. I tied on a glass beaded black bugger and my buddy used his Swift special with cactus or crystal chenille for the body in a peacock color, black, marabou tail about the length of shank with some red marabou on top and shorter than the black on a 3x long, #6 hook. No hackle over the body, the actual name is "Swift-Schmidt Special". Say that 3 times as fast as you can, lol. Well, we couldn't keep the fish off these flies but the trout sizes were like cookie cutters, all in the 11 to 13 inch range. We easily hooked over 20 trout a piece. The bite slowed down after about 9:30 am. We called it quits about 1:30pm when the second round of big westerlys showed up.

Nice looking fish as if they were stock as fingerlings and grew in the lake because there were no signs of fin wear like the fresh hatchery stockings. We trolled from the launch to the opposite shoreline and headed west. I also tried casting and retreiving various streamers in some of the coves and at the river inlet but only managed two kokes. Most of the fish were on the thin side too. Would have rated the fishing a 5 if the trout were bigger, but beats getting skunked or staying home with yard work!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709