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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Myron Lake Report
Yakima County, WA


46° - 50°
Ice Fishing
Under 40°

So, I had a couple of hours and some errands, and checked the ice at Myron. Didn't measure, but about 5". I didn't even take anything to punch holes, just used existing ones, maybe Panfisher's? Anyway, caught 8 crappie and one Purina fed trout, all C&R. The trout was 14 or 15", and the crappie about 9". It wasn't bad for a spur of the moment 2 hours. Sunny and kind of warm for ice fishing, guessing 50 degrees. Not sure I'll go back if this keeps up, some water on top of the ice. Used small homemade plastics on tiny jigs.


12/16/2013 3:37:00 PM
What do you guys usually punch holes with if not an auger I saw a guy with a hatchet and every hole looks chopped out just wondering if this is how most guys get it done. But that's awesome I have been looking every where for crappie and I keep hearing reports of them being caught but nothing. Congrats on the catch though bud. Apparently y'all know what's going on.
12/16/2013 4:09:00 PM
Auger usually, when I actually plan on making a hole. But I've used an axe, a heavy wrecking bar, a chainsaw (WAY up North! Run it with no bar oil, the water will lube it, the oil would chase away your fish from the lure that went through it), and other heavy sharp objects over the years. If you don't go on the weekend, you can usually "vulture" a hole or two. Look for blood on the ice.
I usually do well on super light jigs in winter. Just remember, no bait/barbs/scents, special rules if you go to Myron.
12/16/2013 5:50:00 PM
Well I had no luck with the auger so maybe a hatchet or something but again thanks for the info man its greatly appreciated.
12/17/2013 10:13:00 AM
It takes 5-11sec to make a hole in 5"-12" ice with hand auger; however, you would sweat with hatchet/bar :)
12/17/2013 12:15:00 PM
True. Depends on what you want to invest. Augers are pretty cheap, hand ones anyway. If I lived in ND or MN I'd go for a power auger. The bar or axe give a pretty good workout, but leave a messy hole. Now the chainsaw...
The Jigmiester
12/17/2013 4:48:00 PM
Nice to see you got out Joe Joe.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709