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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Moses Lake Report
Grant County, WA



66° - 70°
Hook & Bait
51° - 55°

This report is for Wed 4/31 and Thur 5/1. Both days we put in at Connelly Park about 10:00 and headed to the NW end of the lake. Wed. we caught 6 perch and 16 walleye the largest being a 20 1/2 inches caught by my wife, and released several smaller walleye in four hours of fishing. Thur in three hours we caught 16 walleye largest being a 23 1/2 inches a 21 1/2 inches again caught by my wife, i caught one 18 inches and all the rest were in the 13-16 inch range. This is our first year using the Slow Death hooks with night crawlers and it has been amazing, this week we caught Rainbow trout, catfish, walleye, perch and large mouth bass all on the same set up while trolling about 1.2-1.6 mph. I have never seen such a simple set up target so many species, its like they can't resist it. We are headed for Lake Chelan next week and I will be tying up a couple of hoochies with Slow Death hooks on a barrel swivel and see if I can get the proper spin on the night crawler, if I can get it to work it should be killer for kokanee.


5/4/2014 2:25:00 PM
Very nice catch!! I've rigged up some SD hooks on #12 fluro but haven't had a chance to try them out yet. Might have to give it a whirl when this darn wind slows down a bit. Thanks for the report.
5/5/2014 5:37:00 AM
Hey hewesbob, you might be on to something to trigger that Koke bite! The fishing was tough & the weather(wind) even tougher up there this weekend.
What depth of water are you fishing on Moses? Thanks for the report.
5/5/2014 8:29:00 AM
AFK we fished 9'-11' but you need to watch the water temp., there must be underground springs in the shallow water. some areas at 10' would be 62-63 degrees and have doubles on and then we would go thru and area of 10' water at 56-57 degrees and not a bite, so I would target water temp rather than depth. I love my new Garmin electronics it tracks and records every place we go, so I just mark where we caught fish and we can track back thru the same area time after time.
5/5/2014 6:31:00 PM
Yes, you get what you pay for when it comes to electronics. I'm going to have to pony up one of these days. Thanks
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709