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Roses Lake Report
Chelan County, WA




Back on the water again, YAAAAHOOOO!!
It’s been awhile since Cindy and I have been on the water (or posted) due to illness, surgeries, loss of family members, work schedules, and just life taking its toll. But all is right with the world again and we hope to be making a few posts as we get back in the swing of our fav past time.
Let’s talk about Roses Lake and the crappie. I had the day off and decided I was going to go fishing instead of honeydoos, so put the needed gear In the boat and headed over to Roses. Launched the boat around 11:00 AM with scattered clouds and wind, and the water surface temp was at 71 degrees. Water was stained, and didn’t see any pumpkinseeds around the dock, so I was thinking it may be a tough day. Had a couple poles rigged with jigs, one a 1/16 oz and the other with a 1/64 oz jighead.
I put the bow mount down and slowly worked my way along the shoreline (south, on the west side of lake) in about 8-15 feet of water. Tried to stay just out from the weed line, and on the 1/16 oz head I Put a “Cabelas Crappie Beaver” on in the black with chartreuse tail, and let out enough line to keep it just above bottom. The 1/64 oz jig was rigged with a flecked motor oil colored “Trout Magnet” that Cindy had dyed the tail red. This I flipped toward the shoreline and twitched it across the top of the weed beds. As I moved along with the electric motor, the trailing 1/16 oz crappie beaver would pick up a crappie (sometimes a perch or bluegill), then I would try to hold position and jig the area for several casts. The crappie were scattered, but did pick up 6 in one area, the rest scattered. Tried small spoons, which caught a couple, and spinners with no hits, but caught most on the jigs in deeper water today. I did tip the jigs with a white crappie nibble most of the time but caught fish without the nibbles also. All the perch were in the 6-7 inch range and the bluegill were 4-6 inchers. Caught some 6-8 inch crappie and only kept the ones 9 inch or over. Bite was fairly consistent, but the wind was getting stronger, and the boat control was getting difficult, so around 3:30ish I decided I had enough and cleaned the mess of fish and headed in. It was difficult fishing the lighter jigs, but that seemed to be the ticked today, and I do enjoy feeling a fish pick up a jig.
Also caught 8-10 LMB , mostly 8-14 inches but on 4# line and ultralight rods, they were fun to catch.
Tight line to all


9/10/2014 10:32:00 PM
Great action shots of the fish. Great report, sounds like a lot of fun like you said. I'm sure they'll taste great!
9/11/2014 7:27:00 AM
Glad to see a report from you and that everything is well. Look forward to more. Crappie was one of my favorite fish until I got addicted to kokanee.
9/11/2014 8:16:00 AM
Nice! Good to see you back! Sorry you had such a toll, but there is healing in the waters!
9/11/2014 9:11:00 AM
Nice Catch!
9/11/2014 5:05:00 PM
First I am so happy to see a report from you and I pray life gets better for you two. Second, great report. I wish we had a nice crappie spot here. I miss some of the fishing back home.
blufin loui
9/11/2014 8:19:00 PM
Thanks Kekedatackleco, fish look so good in the water I have to take the time to snap a few pics from time to time, and the crappie are Soooo good to snack on.
Hey ya Toni, I would hate to have to choose between the crappie and Kokanee, Might have a breakdown over those two. Kokanee fishing is hard to beat, and catching them is outstanding.
Thank you FC, and you are so right, "There is healing in the waters". :.]
Thanks DD, they filleted up into a nice pile of delectable for sure. Mmmmmmmm
Miss fishing with ya Mallottguy, hope the "kid" is doing well, and it's great to be alive. I'll catch a few for you next time I'm out. LOL
9/12/2014 8:39:00 AM
So good to see a post from you!!! Life's challenges only make things you love more important, more relevant. Stay well, fish more often, and hope to cross paths with you and Cindy again. :-)
9/12/2014 7:25:00 PM
Glad all is well with you and Cindy always enjoyed your posts and the one time meeting you at the pens. From the looks of your pictures and excellent report you are still at the top of your game. Good to hear you will be enjoying your favorite pastime more often.
blufin loui
9/14/2014 9:52:00 AM
Thanks Hewesfisher and ganno, Without the challenges in life (and most other things) we have a tendency to get complacent and can begin to take things for granted. Being able to get out on the water and chase the fins n scales is my method of therapy. As the water temps start to drop the small lakes will start exploding with action. Look for more pics and reports of the spiny rays.
9/16/2014 6:58:00 AM
Sweet to see a report from you Lewis! Glad to see you are back in action. Andy
blufin loui
9/18/2014 6:06:00 AM
Good to be back in action Andy. Thanks
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709