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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



56° - 60°
Cutthroat Trout
51° - 55°

I decided to chance a trip to the Lake despite the forecast for high winds. When I launched the winds just started to pickup and the rain was nothing more than a heavy mist. I fished the lee side of Mercer Island, which happened to be the northeast side, and looked for fish hanging around the 40' to 60' depths. With the overcast skies and surface chop, I started with dark colored lures and switched to lighter colors once the sun broke through later on. With the exception of the wind, it was a very pleasant day on the water and I eventually managed to hookup with a couple of fish. My first hookup was right on the bottom in 70' of water and all I had was dead weight on the end of the line. I thought I had snagged a stick or some other junk from the lake bottom. Once the object on the end of my line was within sight distance of my boat it came to life, rolled, flashed some white and shook my lure loose. As much as I'd like to say it was a big cutt, I suspect it was a large squawfish that escaped a date with the bald eagle in the area. I did manage to bring a cutt to the boat that hit while I was changing depths on the rigger. This one was a good fighter even though it was only in the 15" to 16" range. Both fish fell to a green Brad's mini cut plug lure filled with squawfish meat. This fish was the first occupant of the boat's converted "deadwell" and spent about 45 minutes in it without losing its spunk before being released.

The lake is just about at full pool, just need about another 9", and the surface temps are above 50 degrees. I suspect the bass are confused with these conditions so early in the season.


3/14/2015 10:07:00 PM
Why put the fish in the livewell if you planned to release it?
3/15/2015 8:40:00 AM
Kept me from having to hang over the side of the boat, holding the fish, while it recovered from the fight.
3/15/2015 12:57:00 PM
and first of the year I will test mine with first caught to ensure it is functioning right.
3/15/2015 7:57:00 PM
I suppose that exposes my own ignorance! Is that a practice exclusive to trout or is it because of the water depth or something else..?
3/15/2015 9:34:00 PM
Any fish that has fought for an extended period of time should be held until it recovers before releasing it. This way you have a pretty good idea if it is going to survive the ordeal. Also, any fish that hangs around the surface too long in Lake Washington usually ends up as eagle food. With fish like bass, who aren't able to adjust their swim bladder, you need to help them get back down if they were hooked below 30' or so. I used to use a fizzing needle, but I have taken to using an old milk crate attached to 50' of rope instead. Put the bass in the water, drop the crate over the top of it and let it sink, the fish will swim out on its own.
3/16/2015 9:37:00 AM
Great tip G-man. I've probably seen you a few times this year. I fish the banks of Lake Wa. all year round. Still no fish in December or January for me from shore, but started seeing/catching fish in Feb., got my first quality smallmouth on March 1. Saw a school of Squawfish last Thursday...didn't realize they travel in schools - all were very big - I thought they were Largemouth at first. All looked to be over 3lbs.! blecch!
3/16/2015 2:17:00 PM
I appreciate the insight!! I've been working on reflooring my dad's 17' Spectrum intermittently as work and school permit me to, the cutthroat fisheries on Lk Wash and Sammamish have been a dream of mine for a while now so that's a big help, I do my best to handle fish in accordance with regulations and to promote their safe return when fishing C&R so I will take note, thanks again!
3/16/2015 4:17:00 PM
Great report G-Man, education was a lot better though!! Thanks again for such insight,...
3/17/2015 1:59:00 PM
What parameters must be met which would require a lake Trout be fizzed before release? Is it depth it was brought up from, size of belly? What is the proper way to fizz a lake trout, unless they do not ever need fizzing?
3/17/2015 3:17:00 PM
I've never fizzed a trout (laker or otherwise), in the past the ones that needed it got bonked and brought home before I started using the milk crate method. You can usually tell a fish needs help when it gets to the boat and has trouble maintaining a normal swimming position. Sometimes they have the ability to swim down on their own, but if you see their eyes bulging or stomachs pushed into their throats, they will need help to survive. Trout and salmon aren't normally effected but it does happen to them on occasion. For more info, check out this site, it has some excellent info on the subject: http://www.rebeccaeberts.ca/barotrauma-in-fish-can-we-catch-and-release/
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709