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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



56° - 60°
Cutthroat Trout
Mostly Sunny
51° - 55°

Late start today, got on the water around 10:45 and motored to the north side of Mercer Island. The lake is in full bloom and the surface temps were all between 52 and 53 degrees. I started off trolling a mini hoochie setup, in green, that promptly yielded a surprise fish, a native juvenile chinook. Last week I picked up two young coho on the same lure, so I switched it out in favor of a Seahawk Green Brad's Mini Cutplug for the rest of the day. Headed over to the I-90 bridge and spent the rest of the day chasing marks on my sonar which yielded 2 large cutts, one on the surface, the other down 60'. The one at 60' stayed on the hook long enough to be captured on video and released to live another day. The wind was blowing steady out of the southeast for the duration of my time on the water and made for a pleasant day.

I plan to be out again on Saturday morning, working the south end of the lake, trying to pick up some fish for the UW to mark and release. Let's hope the wind cooperates this time and we get some fish tagged, the previous two Saturdays were a bit rough. If you are interested in participating in the tagging program, see my forum post at: http://www.washingtonlakes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=21478&p=217625#p217625


3/28/2015 8:45:00 AM
Like the underwater photos. Great work, documented.
3/28/2015 11:15:00 AM
G-Man, was wondering what you fill the Brad's with? Last year I threw a herring, a can of oil pack tuna and some fresh garlic in the food prosseser and gave it all a whirl. It worked great on the Columbia but haven't had a chance to load up my Brad's for a tour of Lake Washington yet.

Living in Skagit County I wish that Lake Washington was closer. Weather permitting, I'd be on the lake every day. As it is, we only get to fish the lake a couple of times a year.
3/28/2015 4:29:00 PM
I typically use pikeminnow meat for the Brad's. Once a year I keep a good sized squawfish, fillet it out, cut it into 2" squares, heavily salt it then wrap the individual squares in a paper towel and put them in Ziploc bag.. Throw them in the fridge for a week and then keep them in the freezer for future use. Perch works as does shrimp, to day my buddy used chopped worms and picked up a fish.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709