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Terrell Lake Report
Whatcom County, WA



61° - 65°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
Mostly Sunny
All Day
56° - 60°

I'm going to title this report; "Take a Hint"....

I left the house without a single negative thought in my head this morning. This being my only day off this week I was going to enjoy the day no matter what, crazy Bellingham on-ramps and all! With the forecast calling for mid 60's and sun and following the weather we had the past week I had little doubt I would get on fish on this lake today....that being said....I launched at 0900 with clouds and a little breeze and water temps around 54*. The little breeze became a decent wind and I went bite-less for 3 hours! I worked my way in to the flipping areas with spinnerbaits, a chatterbait, floating jerkbaits and a lipless crankbait without so much as a boil.

I flipped the reeds for about 75yards changing colors, weight, hitting the shore reeds and the isolated stuff out about 20-30 yards....not even a spooked fish?! I motored over to the reed islands that are still submerged and drug a t-rigged worm through the scattered shallow rocks in the reeds, nothing??! Water temps were climbing and I was seeing about 55-56* at this point.

My mind started to wonder to Wiser and Samish but I knew it was only a matter of time, something had to hit! Not to mention I only had today and didn't want to waste the time jumping lakes. The sun started to peak out now and the wind had died down. I decided to head for a spawning area and work my way back out and maybe establish a depth at least?

Fishing a small pile of wood near an island I felt the tap on my jig, set the hook and finally fish on! Got him in and got the weight for the heck of it, 2.5lbs, sweet! Maybe this was the start? As I rounded the end of the island I noticed a small loop in my reel so I whipped a long cast out and began retrieving my jig...four or five cranks and wham, another one on! Another 2.4lb male. I finished flipping the island without another bite and didn't see anything moving, as I pulled away from the island I thought I would try another cast with the jig....see what happens? Boom, another 2.4-5lb male! Quick math.....1 bass after flipping etc... in three hours and 2 bass swimming a jig in about 15 minutes! I can take a hint :)

The next three hours were a blur of hooksets, hookups, missed fish, lost fish and of course landed fish! The magic depth was 3 feet and the more scattered the pads / reeds the better, the large clumps didn't produce for me. I fished my way over to another island that has logs up against it losing 3 bass and catching 2 more in the process. Once at the island I flipped the logs and caught 2 and lost 1, the biggest going 4.1lbs!

I fished back in the spawning area and hooked one but couldn't catch up to it and it slipped off. I fished all around this area but it was dead for the most part. I headed back out in front of the spawning area and began carpet bombing the entire area....it got nutty....including one missed hookset that flew over my head landing about 25 feet behind me, right near some pads, so I kept retrieving and wham LOL another 1.5lber! About 7 casts later the big girl of the day hit, she did her best to wrap me around my outboard but I coaxed her away and got her to the scale...6.5lbs!! High mark for me so far in 2016! About 10 casts later and boom! This one came off about 5 seconds after I hooked her and was big enough that I jumped up and down about it.

Once I felt the area was worked I motored down to the outlet and there were fish all over the place only smaller, 1 to 3lbs I would say. I hooked one of the pounders and I must have still been jacked up from the 6.5 because he went for a ride :o He was ok, but was about a one hopper to the boat...

For every fish I caught I lost one and spooked another! Sometimes you show up to a lake knowing exactly what the pattern will be for the day and sometimes you stumble onto it, pay attention to what the fish tell you, it can make all the difference! B8


4/7/2016 8:06:00 AM
Congrats. One of those days we dream about.
4/7/2016 9:53:00 AM
Nice 8thB. I debated Terrel vs Clear & choose clear (you & I fished there together several years ago). Had a day like yours on Clear Lake about 5 years ago. Couldn't repeat it today & only got one. Looks like you picked the winner. I am somewhat familiar with Terrel & have always done well in the NE corner around the outlet but I don't know where the "spawning area" is. Care to share that with me?

Thanks for sharing & best regards, Dan
4/7/2016 12:09:00 PM
Amx: Well half of the day was epic :)

Dan; How was Clear Lakes visibility? I've nearly written that lake off due to the persistent algae blooms WDFW created. Sure is a shadow of it's former self. I find myself fishing more in the May-October months than March or April anymore. Sad.

Spawning areas dot Terrell as shallow as it is, the off limits area is one, there's one by the outlet, and another around the corner from the public fishing dock. The thing to remember with this lake is due to it's shallow nature, a 1 foot change is structure is a big deal to these fish. More often than not I've found that structure means more than cover in this lake.
4/7/2016 10:08:00 PM
Darn you! you're just fueling my fire to get my Terrell cherry popped. I know its one of the bassier lakes we got up North here and has been on my hit list for the past two years but have yet to make the drive up there for one reason or another. Alas I have made a promise to myself that I shall make a trip up there this year when it turned on... and it looks like it really has. very awesome and detailed report! I like it.

Nice trip my friend.
4/7/2016 11:03:00 PM
8theB8: I posted a report last night with picture it looked like it posted then, but its gone now -- odd..
The lake was like pea soup, almost didn't launch. You can't see a white spinner bait more than 6" under. Fished from 3:30 to 7:30 pm. No sign of fish until 7:20 when I landed a 4 pounder on the flat at the N end of lake. Fish was in reasonable shape but not as fat as I expect for this time of year. I fished Lk Samish this afternoon & eve. Lake is in decent shape & temp 57-58, but didn't see a single fish. You may know that the smallies have taken over, I have seen / caught very few LM there the past couple of years.

Regarding Terrell: by closed area do you mean the large very shallow flats with multiple islands on the S end of lake? What color was working for you? I'd love to go out with you again if you are in the area. I don't recall if you have a 4 stroke motor or not. If you want to fish Lk Whatcom sometime & have a 4 stroke on my boat . I'm generally available M, T, & Weds. 360-739-5073.
4/8/2016 6:31:00 AM
Jerome716: Now through the next 3 weeks in an awesome time to fish Terrell, as well as many other lakes, with Terrell though this is the only time of year it's fully navigable without the use of a push pole or the grass choking off vast sections of the lake! GO! If you head up there PM me.

Dan: I appreciate the offer. Yes the old boat still runs a 2 stroke. I dang near upgraded boats this year but waiting one more year just made sense for me. Between the old Tracker and the Jon Boat I modified there's not much I can't do fishing wise but it is definitely past time to go Ranger (aluminum or fiberglass is the last question). As far as fishing goes my crazy schedule makes it difficult for meet ups and there are times when I'm on call, if I take vacation or something I will remember that offer! Color on the jig was black 1/4oz with a blue Zoom Super Chunk Jr. swim trailer and yes, the area you are referring to is correct. It will load with bass once they get started spawning but they will spook more than bite. Near the outlet to the left is a good spawning area as well. Targeting them just outside of these areas for the next couple weeks is your best bet.
Unfortunately I think Clear Lake is close to a goner :( If left alone it will recover hopefully but I still remember the first time I saw the treatment signs posted and my heart sank. Why? Why spray pads on a lake that has always had pads?!! So incredibly pointless and stupid that I doubt I will ever understand the logic behind the decision....
bob johansen
4/8/2016 7:23:00 AM
Great report!
4/8/2016 12:43:00 PM
Thanks for the encouragement lol. I will try to make a full day trip up there not this weekend but the next. I'll let you know when the ink dries on the calendar.

Now i'll butt right into that Clear lake discussion with you and Dan if I may. I totally agree with 8theB8. I cant believe the decline over there since they started that treatment crap. It's my old favorite lake and one that I used to hit 3-4 times a week since it's so close to me but the steady decline in fish activity (except for the planters that tend to fill the parking lot) and the incline in skiers just drove me away. I haven't fished it in over a year. Some guys use it as a lake to just test their boats in, which I understand to a point because everyone after working on their motor should run to a lake and test her out before planning an actual fishing trip. But what I'm talking about is a guy going out there with a ski boat or river jet sled that does 10 trillion miles an hour and using Clear lake as a drag strip. It's too small make loops at full speed so they literally just go back and forth back and forth.... anyways I shall save your time and stop my rant cuz believe me I can keep going... point being I stay clear of clear lake anymore.
4/8/2016 12:46:00 PM
B8- also thanks for disclosing some of your tactics, experiences and insider knowledge into certain areas you include in your posts. Most guys give the basics and will only PM you with details if you really press em.
4/8/2016 2:24:00 PM
Jerome716: once again, thank you for the appreciation. I've never been one to withhold much information, guess I just don't worry if people want to run out and buy the same lures or fish the same areas. What's always been more important to me was helping people interested in the sport I love find success. That's what keeps the sport alive, not the frustration of a lack of information or unsuccessful trips. If the true pro's that fish for a living can share their tips then who am I not to do the same? As I said, PM me your email and I would be happy to discuss techniques, gear, lakes, whatever. The only thing I try to hammer into people is respect the fish! They provide us with countless hours of enjoyment, challenge and adventure, don't let them flop around the bottom of your boat while you high five your pal or do some goofy dance!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709