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Area 12 Hood Canal Report


Chum Salmon

The chums are definitely in. It was a wet, but great day of fishing, and people watching.

The tides were a little on the high side today, so bank anglers were limited to the sides of the hatchery. More adventurous folks were wading chest deep along the hatchery wall to get a better spot.

I was the weird guy fishing from the SeaDoo (I did this a couple times last year too). I had decent success floating brined anchovies under a bobber. Definitely go this route, if you like the assurance of hooking a chum in the mouth. After I ran out of bait, I switched to a corky and yarn setup, and found it to be more effective today. The only downside to this approach is that it is prone to snagging, and the all-too-often missed hookset. The rate of bites on the corky/yarn rig is great fun, and had me casting right up until I absolutely had to sprint back to the boat launch before it got too dark (I can't run at night with my SeaDoo).

Watching the boat and kayak anglers around me, everyone was having good success today. Saw a father and son duo absolutely nail their limits (I saw them doing some catch/release in the process), and leave in good time. One interesting observation was watching another father/son duo in a small Livingston, putt right up to the hatchery gate, and set anchor. They were quite literally parked in knee deep water (at most), over a cloud of fish. I can understand wanting to get your kids onto fish, but this was a bit over the top (pun intended).

Lots of nets in the water today between Potlatch and Hoodsport. I almost ran right into a long set on my way back to the launch. Thankfully, there was a lighted buoy which I caught at the last second.

Lastly, a quick note about the controversial boat launch in Potlatch. If I'm not mistaken, it was a muddy gravel lot with a couple of porta-potties last fall. This year, it's all paved, and has nice painted parking spaces, and pretty clean bathrooms. The launch itself has not changed. Nobody was there to charge a fee today, which has been my experience during all of my fall Hoodsport adventures. People sure like to take their time launching and retrieving their boats here. I must have waited a solid 15 minutes at the front of the line, for a tribal boat to: throw their catch one by one from their boat to their pickup bed; then load their boat onto the trailer; chat for a while; take off their rain gear; change out of their boots; think about getting into their truck; get into their truck; pull up the ramp; stop about 3/4 of the way up; check some things, and then finally get out of the way for the folks in line. What a circus.


11/6/2016 4:10:00 PM

I need to provide some info for you and others that read these posts and may choose to use this launch. At present, a pay box has not been established; its a newly reworked launch and site (note the new buildings, more on that later). Tacoma PUD released this site to the Skokomish tribe a few years back, meaning, it is a tribal launch and parking lot. To that end, it is used heavily by the tribes fishers to launch and pull out. Non-tribal persons, presently, are able to use this launch (sometimes with a fee, sometimes for free) with the tribes best wishes. I would hope that the word gets out that its use is a gift. In addition, for those that haven't noticed the new structure adjacent to the launch, it is part of the tribes efforts to establish both a sockeye and a spring chinook population back to the Skokomish River (both species were present in this system prior to the construction of the Tacoma PUD dam on the Northfork). I, for one, am thankful that a decent launch is close to a popular fishery.
11/7/2016 10:59:00 AM
Why2Fish -- Thanks for the PSA; it's good info. I've been glad for this launch as well (I've only fished two fall seasons out of it). As someone without a big boat, this launch lets me motor up to the Hoodsport area safely, and quickly (compared to the alternatives). I've just seen a lot of negative posts about the launch online, regarding the "unpredictable" pay system in the past. With the current state of the parking area/amenities, I would say it is certainly worthy of a formal pay box and enforcement.
11/7/2016 8:20:00 PM
where is this launch located since since the Skokomish river isn't available until further review .I like the timing of the new building to house sockeye and springers seems to go in hand with the no fishing on the skok for wa anglers .
11/8/2016 12:21:00 PM

This launch is at the Tacoma PUD plant. The timing of the new building is not new; those plan have been in the works for a long time. And, these buildings are also part of the tribes as well. They are the ones trying to reintroduce sockeye and spring chinook back into the skokomish watershed, not the state.
Bring the boys
11/10/2016 11:22:00 PM

I was the guy with my son in the the small Livingston on Saturday. We had a blast and fished all day both high and low tide. This was the first time we have been up for this fishery, so I asked all the other boats around when we got there if there was any areas to avoid. I'm am a little confused why you would call me out as there was guys a lot closer to the gate? We were well outside of the no fishing area. BTW the fish were stacked way out past us. Rant over.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709