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Area 8-1 Deception Pass Report



Chinook Salmon
All Day

Caught this pretty 6lb hatchery Blackmouth Saturday morning about halfway between Baby Isl and Greenbank, 220 fow, 125 down. Red Racer flasher and Cookies and Creme. Incoming tide.

This area is loaded with crab pots, Yeah we lost some gear.

We jumped over to Elger Bay area for outgoing tide looking for a second one. Threw everything in the tackle box but no luck. The shaker population is healthy.

Gorgeous day but a wee bit chilly. It was 24 degrees at the launch. Ouch!!! Water pretty calm all day until we headed for home. Wind came up and we got clobbered!! Finally got to the dock about 4 oclock. The fish checker said this was the only fish she had seen all day. BOOYAH for us I guess. Dang it was cold. Randy Rauscher and Bruce Starkey


1/9/2017 11:27:00 AM
Thanks for the report Randy, nice.
1/11/2017 12:20:00 PM
Thank you for the report. Did you see many bait balls? Last winter/spring I was surprised to see more bait than I have for several years.
I might wait until it warms up some.
1/11/2017 6:33:00 PM
There was some bait out there but so busy dodging crab pots I can say for sure. Man up! Its not that cold. Well maybe it is.
1/12/2017 11:08:00 AM
Couple years ago at Elger I snagged a tribal crab pot with my downrigger, big mess. I didnt see the crab pot float. The crab pot rope was too short, it was high tide, the float was under water by 3 feet or so and I ran right into it.
Salmon King
1/20/2017 10:22:00 PM
I was out there 12/27 to try for some Crab.
Tried to troll while the pots soaked but that didn't work out so well.
Dropped her to the bottom got the speed up and didn't get 100 feet before my takedown.
Boom...25"er in the box. Didn't get a picture of it so I didn't post the report.
I was N. of Greenbank but S. of Penn Cove.
Like you...125 FOW.
Not so many Crab pots up here on the North end.
Oh...pots came up blanks.

During this trip I broke my EZ-Steer mount on the kicker, and stripped the gears on my Downrigger. Out of the water until I get those fixed...hoping for this weekend.

Oh....nice fish guys!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709