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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA


Drift Fishing
Coho Salmon
Corky & Yarn

Fished the stilly friday the 13th and it was kinda a friday the 13th kinda day. First off I will say that I caught no fish, but learned a valuable lesson.

I got to the river and was checking things out to decide what area I was going to fish. A guy says, Hey your goodtimesfishing, I read your reports. turns out I had talk to him another time, it was the time I reported about the net under I-5. We talked a bit and headed to the other side of the river. He decided to fish upstream and I went downstream.

This year I have not fished with waders, just boots so I don't fish in the river but from the bank. The gentleman that I had talked to had made his way down to the spot I was at and wore chest waders. As he tried to make his way to a fishing spot, (keep in mind a spot I have seen many people fish from) he lost his footing or the current pushed him or I don't know, it just all happened so dam fast!! (He later said "it just dropped off".)It just seemed he got in too deep, but seemed ok, but could not make any ground. I stood there unsure of what to do.... I watched him as he tried to make some ground but the current was just too much. Next thing I know all hell has broke loose and his waders are full of water... the river bottom is no longer in contact with his feet....and the fear of death is in his eyes along with mine. He is now in water that is over his head and trying to fight the current to get back. He screams cast me your line!!!!!! I cast far over his head landing my line within reach for him and it is working (20 lb fireline) I am walking backwards slowly and he is coming to shore... until the expected happens... the line snaps and all that was gained was lost in a fraction of a second. As he is fighting to swim back to where it was shallow I can see he is not going anywhere and using lots of energy real fast. The only thing sticking out of the water is his head and his mouth is clearly taking in water every so often. I screamed at him to stop fighting the current and go with it, there was a large pool with no current just behind him and the current almost pushed him right at me once he stop fighting the current. As I ran down stream I glanced for any long branch or anything I could pull him in with and saw nothing. I was afraid he was going to go under and so I was about to jump in, right at the edge of the water was a driftwood about 24 inches long I grabbed it and reached out as far as I could and got it to him. He grabbed it and I pulled him in the last bit. The spot was a drop off so it took quite some time to get him out of the water...he had used up every bit of energy he had and did not even want to move. I tried to pull him up the hill but his waders full of water weighed a ton. Got his boots off so we could get his waders off and got him the rest of the way out of the water. From there it took quite a bit of time to get him back to the parking lot, but after several stops we made it. He felt he would be ok, but being unsure, I stayed with him for a bit as he warmed up in his car until it seemed he would be ok and I left him.

There is a reason I am writing this....with this time of the year comes stronger water flows and they can be very deceiving...don't take chances out there when your in the river. It only takes a fraction of a second to be in deep S#@%.....and by all means if you are out by yourself and there is no other people around be even more cautious. IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!!!!!!!SO BE CAREFULL OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

For privacy I did not mention your name, I hope your ok man, I know your neck was hurtin and I hope it was just the stress and not anything more serious.

Have fun fishing but be careful!!!!!!!!!!!.


11/14/2009 9:48:00 PM
The report may be one 'star' (rectangle) but you deserve more than the 5 'stars' they have in the ratings box. I hope that guy and your report save some near misses or worse for people going forward. Wading deep in current is dangerous and with a little panic simple thoughts like going with the flow and angle toward the shore with feet pointed downstream as you go downstream can leave your thoughts quickly.
11/15/2009 12:31:00 AM
Excellent report! Timely reminder/warning for everyone!
11/15/2009 12:55:00 AM
This wasnt what I expected when I went to read this report, But I'm glad I did. be safe guys. Seriously.

goodtimesfishing Im really glad you were there for the other fella. You are a lifesaver. And thank you for posting this, It will be in my mind when I go out tomorrow. May you have all the karma and fishing karma you deserve.

Ive been on the other side of the stilly there and I found it a bit more treacherous, even if your not wading. I'm glad I went over there, but it was a pretty good hike. (I went up to the big boulder there) to climb up it and just say I had , in pretty normal weather. I really felt it on my hike back to the car after fishing that day. I would not like to to do that wet/tired/or borderline hypothermic or in bad weather.

Goodtimesfishing, Id fish with you anyday. Good job keeping your cool in that situation. And to the fella who was in the water, I'm glad you made it out ok! Somehow I am thinking your pancakes taste better today than they ever have before.

11/15/2009 12:49:00 PM
Way to be there, Quik thinking saved his life buddy.
Dont fight the current was exactly what you needed to say. Goodjobgoodtimesfisher
11/15/2009 3:25:00 PM
Wow! You did a job! At my age (65), I'm a very careful wader and I dont take anywhere near the risks I used to take.

This is such a worthwhile post, you should post a copy on Steelheader.net and Ifish.net, both get more eyes. Actually if you dont mind, I could copy your post and post it on those sites.
11/15/2009 5:16:00 PM
@barchaser, feel free to post a copy on those sights. If it gets even one person to be more cautious in the river it is worth it.
11/15/2009 6:45:00 PM
@barchaser, feel free to post a copy on those sights. If it gets even one person to be more cautious in the river it is worth it.
Jake Dogfish
11/16/2009 12:04:00 AM
"A guy says, Hey your goodtimesfishing, I read your reports." That seems a little odd. But thanks for the report and a good message.
11/16/2009 12:15:00 AM
ive fell in in and filled my hip boots all the way up in january on the north fork of the stilly,. not fun
11/16/2009 9:05:00 AM
Even as agile I think I might be, anything can happen. Good report and good message.
11/17/2009 8:42:00 PM
Goodtimes, I posted your report on Ifish. One poster noted that it is a good idea to wear a belt on chest waders. I dont but I prob should.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709