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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Stillaguamish River Report
Snohomish County, WA



Coho Salmon

Had a blast today. Hooked into some monsters and couldn't land them. I was fortunate to land these two chromers today in the second photo with my hat on. We had a trout net and luckily a fellow angler helped me net it with that puny little thing. I still can't believe I actually landed them. Half the fish were hooked with dicknites and other half with corky and yarn. All were acrobatic, rippin line, sheer power and adrenaline. These fish were bright chromers straight from the sound. I've been lucky cause I've been the only guy catching fish among 10-15 anglers. Must be doing something right. Hope you enjoy these photos. And thanks to the peeps that helped me land the fish and helped take these great photos.

fish on!!!


10/4/2011 3:43:00 PM

Any tips? I caught my first silver this weekend. In OREGON, yup, caught it at the mouth of the nehalem river on a 4 inch buzz bomb, huge chrome hen fresh from the open sea. Was Amazing!!! Now I got the bug for sure. Just wish I could hook into one of these hometown coho's!! Gotta get my fish on!
10/4/2011 4:44:00 PM
I could probably do a seminar with all the research i've done and books i've read but the key lures are dick nites and corky and yarn i've caught them on. Learn how to fish these two and what water is best to use them in and you will hook into fish. Another technique that is great is spoons and spinners. Best place to fish for silvers is to watch them jump. When in fresh water they start jumping for some reason. Where there is one there are a few more. THe silvers will usually be in slack water (frog water) next to flowing water. Look for those seams. They will hang out 5-10 feet from the bank alot also so it's tough to fish if you are on the other side and tough to fish 5-10 feet of water infront of you. Today i hooked all silvers 5 feet off the bank in front of me. Lucklily the water was dirty enough that they weren't spooked from me standing there.
Next tip is look at the water levels. When the water levels are going down as soon as the water is fishable get out there because they will be aggressive biters most lures you through at them will usually get a bite. When there is no rain the fish are stagnant and you really need to use small dicknites to entice a bite or smaller corky and yarn and usually it's a morning bite.
Final tip is everyday is different. What was working one day rarely works the next. You always have to change things up. How much weight to use, how long the leader etc. Always be prepared to change things up.
If you want more tips i'd have to tell on the bank if I ever meet yeah...can't give all my secrets away;)
10/4/2011 6:01:00 PM
Nice pair joechiro! Hmm, last name almost sounds like 'no' in Korean/Hangul (some good guy oldtimers by my place are korean and they'll sometimes say what sounds like "Shiro" with a rolled 'r' but I digress).
Anyhow, beautiful pics and beautiful fish! Yep them buggers do like junk/trees/stumps/slack water. Thanx for the report and good luck.
10/4/2011 8:15:00 PM
Hey Joechiro30. Beautiful fish. Thanks for the tips. I fished the Stilly today from I-5 up to Highway 9. Tried both Dick nites and yarn... fished the seams as you state, but didn't have your luck. Good on you!! Maybe next time. Best!
Jeff D
10/9/2011 10:12:00 PM
dang sounds like a pro now, nice work joe. I slayed some silvers upper skagit today, and nice dollys in the sauk. Its jeff from the store, i got some pics to show ya when you come in
10/10/2011 10:04:00 AM
Jeff...I hear that the skagit is good there. Definately would enjoy looking at those pictures. After I got my limit on friday I went back for some catch and release and caught 2 more that were in the 12 pound range and 3 in the 6 pound range and only one crackered. All in all 7 fish six were in the mouth and one was snagged for the day. Was awesome. Lot's of people snagging fish by using too much weight with short leaders. You only need enough weight to tap the bottom lightly not like a train on tracks. And your corky should be suspending the hook off bottom so you could hook it in the mouth not in the anus. You don't need to set the hook every time you feel bottom either. Was frustrating to see.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709