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Green River Report
King County, WA



Coho Salmon

So I feel obligated to post this report. WHy? well I think I might be one of "Those Guys" that never posts his sub par days. Not only does it give the impression that the river is great it also frustrates people to get skunked but never hear about others having the same problem.

My terrible day all started when I decided to hit the Green early from work.
Mistake # 1: I got down to the river at about 3:00pm and figured it would be ok fishing. I should have known better when within 15 minutes I was standing in the middle of a full on hail storm. It was hailing so hard that I decided to call it. After all in 15 minutes if there is no action worth standing in that weather it is time to go. So I walk back to the car. I start her up and get ready to drive away, but as I am backing out I see a nice light in the clouds and realize that the weather is breaking up. So I decide that 15 minutes is never enough time to determine if the fishing is going to be good or not.

Mistake #2:I head back out. As I walk back into my spot the hail starts back up. Now I am just pissed. I mean really? I am not moving screw the hail.
Mistake #3:I am fishing through this storm I don't care. I get out my hottest Jig and Toss it out to my corner, get a nice hit and realize it is a snag.
Mistake #4: After freeing it up I figure I can get away with one more in the same spot. I toss out the jig and boom snag, but this one breaks it off.

Now I am a little pissed more at myself. I knew I should not try a second time and I did, I am not without my performer and I am soaking wet. Just then a gorgeous school of Chumers go by. I quickly toss on a #5 Green Virbrax and work the school. I am all giddy like a school girl. Thoughts of the rain and lost jig are gone and I am thinking payday. Just as I hit the tailout a fat daddy chum turns and moves in on the spinner, and wouldn't you know as he makes his turn and approach a little jack darts in front of him and snatches the spinner. WHAT?

Mistake #5: I think I can shake him off, that only puts him on harder, I pull him up snap a photo so I can explain what a little terd looks like to friends and then start over again. This time with one of my jigs.

Mistake #6: The school split up and a few went into the holding water where I had already lost my jig earlier, but of course I was confident that I would be ok. A few seconds later one more jig gone.

I am feeling pretty bad now. Both Times I knew better and the only explanation is that I don't learn. So I figure it is best to call it a day. I grab my gear and head out. Of course as I am leaving I hear a huge Ker Splash and realize that I really owe myself one last little cast. Not in the snag zone just a quick nice little jig through the deep tail out.

I snap on my last Chum jig a pink&purple one I can DoubleBubbleChum and toss it out. I am really working it knowing I must leave after this before risking the loss of my last uber quality jig.

Just as I am ready to admit defeat I get a little tiny tug, I mean a wothless mouthing of a tug, I figure it is a snag or bounce over wood and leave it alone, all of a sudden it stops and I realize I am snagged up, Pissed off I just start to twist my arm in the line to break it off and as I reach out the drag starts going off.

10 minutes later I am back in my car soaking wet. 2 jigs short but holding onto what might be the brightest fish I have seen in weeks and fancy that, it's a coho!

I know I said this was a terrible day, and it was it just ended really well. I promise I will share my next one too!


11/15/2011 4:05:00 PM
I found your admitted-antics rather funny! Yeah, maybe we do not all write up our days...b/c mentioning you fell off a cliff into 10,000cfs-whitewater w/ ice in the river/3' snow on the ledges while fighting a steelhead is just not so fun...wait, it IS! Point being, I read a lot of reviews on here last years(forgot my acct-name/password/lappie crashed)/made a new acct here. It's refreshing to see someone else having the same antics happen...
'Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'- yet we ALL keep trying for that "I won't snag in that same spot this time, again...." HAHAHA... Have fun and look fwd to reading another review like yours!
11/15/2011 4:12:00 PM
I don't know if I should admit this, but I can relate with your entire outing 100%, especially the I know better than that, but do it anyway. Great minds think alike. Thanks for a really good write up. As Jethro says, definitely funny I know that others can relate to your experience.
11/15/2011 5:03:00 PM
Jim you give hope to anglers all around. Best story I've heard in a long time. So positive in the end. We've all been there or somewhere close. Bring on the chromer steely's! Tight lines guys!
11/15/2011 7:23:00 PM
Great story Jim. Glad to hear it had a bright shiny ending!!
11/16/2011 8:53:00 AM
Great report. I ran out to the green in Tukwila yesterday from about 12 to 2, didn't see a thing come through or have any action. I'll figure out how to fish this river before I die!
Mike Carey
11/18/2011 6:40:00 AM
great report, way to hang in there!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709