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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Puyallup River Report
Pierce County, WA




Since the Carbon river is justdown the street, I can run down just to kill some time. I went to the hatchery first to see if any steel had shown up. As I figured the number was 0. The guy said they will net the pond at end of month. There were some coho in there still. So far about 7300 coho returned, a little short from the early estimate of 55,000.
After checking out the hatchery, I went to the treament plant and realized I forgot my fishing vest, luckily I had a jig tied on, so down the trail I went. As soon as you get to the river, if you go over the dyke is where I caught fish. Even though the hatcery was at 0 I still talked myself into thinking I could catch winter steel. I threw into a slow pool and a chum hit just like a panfish, A couple small ticks then the bobber took off. Just a couple casts later I caught another one. Not the fish I was hoping for, but I still got to hear the sound of a burning drag. I only fished for about an hour and fish a few different holes.


12/12/2011 6:00:00 PM
Did you fish the Carbon or the Puyallup?
12/12/2011 7:24:00 PM
oops, hit the wrong river was on carbon.
12/12/2011 8:18:00 PM
You might be waiting awhile to see if any hatchery steelhead show up since zero smolts were planted on the Carbon. A number of other rivers got zero plants for this winters returning hatchery steelhead as well. Good luck.
12/12/2011 10:15:00 PM
Was that last year or the year before they didnt plant? Cause its like a two year trun around on the fish.
12/13/2011 12:35:00 PM
Last plant would have been April-May 2009 and those fish would have returned last winter. All smolt planting info can be seen on the WDFW website under steelhead smolt plants. Kinda nice to know whats going on before you head out to fish, or whats not going on....
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709